UNI at Creighton - (Past Game)

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Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3

Postby glm38 » January 11th, 2012, 5:58 pm

LMS wrote:uniftw: I wasn't trying to be insulting. I like UNI! I don't think James or Koch are all conference players at least not 1st teamers but we can disagree there. And you confirmed what I said about great young talent.

From your own fan site, you cant tell me these guys don't sorta look like a church league squad.


Good luck to you guys.

It didn't seem like an insult to me either. I like UNI's program too. Just my 2 cents.
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Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3



Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3

Postby LMS » January 11th, 2012, 6:33 pm

uniftw: I'm with you and you're making my case for me. Both points 1&2 fit UNI. And it's okay in my book to look like a church league team. I really like the guys on my church league team. And I like UNI. However, nothing about Marc Sonnen is ripped or athletic. Eminen thinks he looks weak.
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Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3

Postby UNIFanSince1983 » January 11th, 2012, 7:39 pm

MoValley John wrote:
glm38 wrote:MSU's attendance is puzzling. I've not ever understood why we don't draw better. Not that attendance is terrible. But it could/should be much better.

I'm curious do WSU and CU promote their basketball games within the community? Meaning do they do radio, and TV spots, go to the schools occasionally, etc? There really isn't any of that in the Springfield community which a lot of us are convinced is part of the problem here.

I see a few billboards and they are promoted some on the Journal Broadcasting stations. Then again, Journal is the broadcast group that airs Creighton on radio and TV, so it's in their best interests. That said, there really isn't much promotion at all, there used to be more, but Creighton doesn't need to "sell" the product much anymore, either. The World Herald is now starting to cover them more, but I think that being ranked forces them to do so. Even the World Herald beat writer for Creighton admits that he's not a fan of Creighton.

I have seen more advertising this year for UNI athletics. I think it would make a bigger difference, though, if we had some sort of family ticket deals. Something that gets people in the door and then maybe they will keep coming back. I also think if we wouldn't charge 90 bucks for a year subscription to listen to UNI games on the internet. I can see charging for internet video, but for the radio? I might even consider buying the subscription if all the games were streamed on the internet. Heck, we need to get more games on local television even away games if we can. It can only start building us a fan base outside of Cedar Falls. I like that games are on TV, but the problem is they are either on CFU only or Mediacom only. Why not have them on both at the same time. And why not have it available outside of just Cedar Falls. We will never gain new fans or build a fanbase if it is not accessible for people to watch or listen to us.
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Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3

Postby Wufan » January 11th, 2012, 9:07 pm

To sit 30 rows up at Koch Arena in Wichita costs $25.00 per seat. We don't serve alcohol. We average 10000+ if we win 20 or more games a season. We average 7000 if we lose 20 or more games a season for 10 years.
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Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3

Postby PantherSigEp » January 11th, 2012, 9:53 pm

UNI is avg. about 3800/game which is about 10% of the 39k that live in Cedar Falls.

Wichita avg. about ~10,000? Is that close or just a number you guys threw out? That's ~2-3% of the local population

Omaha is just under 410k and I'mds pretty sure they aren't averaging 41,000.

Bradley doesn't average 37k

Drake doesn't average 20k

The Bears don't average 16K

You guys get the point. I know it's more complicated than that but I don't understand why UNI is taking so much heat. The Cedar Valley area is an older population and most of them grew up knowing it as the State College of Iowa or the Iowa's Teacher College (heck some of them may have even graduated when it was named that back before '61). Their "allegiances" lie with Iowa and Iowa State and it makes sense because UNI has not had a strong basketball tradition until the early part of this century. It will take time for UNI to get more people to warm up to the Panthers as being equal (much less BETTER) than the Cyclones and Hawkeyes, even for it's students as many of them did not grow up in a Panther household and thus have been brainwashed into believing that their school athletics are essentially below D-I caliber.

There isn't one school in this conference that is perfect when it comes to fan support, facilities, athletic tradition, etc... So is it really necessary to point the finger at one school when it could easily be pointed right back at you? Let's zip up and quit the p***ing matches fellas (and ladies, if we have any female posters), its getting old, though I'm no saint.
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Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3

Postby Ricardo del Rio » January 11th, 2012, 10:33 pm

MoValley John wrote:
uniftw wrote:
I noticed something about him last night, and it is a very glaring weakness that could be exploited by teams with a good defense....he doesn't know how to play offense if he can't have his back to the basket. He isn't real good at a face up game, and if he is doubled and can't make a spin move as soon as he catches the ball he tries to force things and throws up bad shots, then acts just like his daddy when he doesn't get a call.

Really? I left the game very impressed with McDecommitt for almost the exact opposite reasons. He was getting held all night without a call, he got knocked on his arse all night and all he did was find Young open. Jacobson's game plan was to take him out of his game and make Young beat the Panthers. Jacobson said so himself. This is the same game plan Missouri State and Wichita State used. In the Missouri State game, Doug forced bad shots, everyone else stood around and Creighton lost. In the WIchita State game, he forced some bad shots in the first half and Wichita State went on a big run. In the second half of the Wichita State game, he played unselfishly and everyone else contributed. Northern Iowa committed three guys in the paint against him, it would be a mistake to attempt a "spin move" against three defenders, instead, Doug passed the ball. It seems that you are complaining that McDecommitt didn't fall into the trap set by the Panthers.

McDermott could have scored 25 last night, but if he did, Creighton probably loses. That is what impressed me. Kids his age, especially guys getting a lot of ink and having high expectations, generally force things, for the most part, Doug did not.

Also, Doug played the post, generally post players do play with their backs to the basket. Are you opining that he should be playing the low block with his back to the ball?

You are still a funny man.

"Back to the ball."

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Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3

Postby cujaysfan » January 11th, 2012, 10:54 pm

PantherSigEp wrote:UNI is avg. about 3800/game which is about 10% of the 39k that live in Cedar Falls.

Wichita avg. about ~10,000? Is that close or just a number you guys threw out? That's ~2-3% of the local population

Omaha is just under 410k and I'mds pretty sure they aren't averaging 41,000.

Bradley doesn't average 37k

Drake doesn't average 20k

The Bears don't average 16K

this is a hilarious - and garbage argument.

there's a wall around cedar falls not allowing anyone from 70k waterloo to attend? which according to google maps is 7.5 miles away (downtown to downtown) and a whole 9 minute drive...

no one from neighboring communities can attend panther games?

i guess i should tell my brother who drives up from moline for jays games there that he shouldn't bother - or some of my friends that cruise over from des moines or minneapolis that there's no point in making the trip anymore as they won't be allowed to attend anymore.

the unfortunate truth is while there are some die hard fans - for whatever reason - the community hasn't really embraced the panthers and the bulk of eastern iowa folks are hawk fans.
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Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3

Postby valleychamp » January 11th, 2012, 11:09 pm

Waterloo is a hellhole, and is like a different world from Cedar Falls. Waterloo has a decent population, but there is not a lot of UNI love coming from that dump. It may as well be 4 hours away, because that it what it feels like.

I agree that the biggest problem is the Hawkeyes. There is just simply too much Hawkeye love in Iowa, and I'd say that over 90% of eastern Iowa is hawk lovers.
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Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3

Postby PantherSigEp » January 12th, 2012, 12:43 am

cujaysfan wrote:
PantherSigEp wrote:UNI is avg. about 3800/game which is about 10% of the 39k that live in Cedar Falls.

Wichita avg. about ~10,000? Is that close or just a number you guys threw out? That's ~2-3% of the local population

Omaha is just under 410k and I'm pretty sure they aren't averaging 41,000.

Bradley doesn't average 37k

Drake doesn't average 20k

The Bears don't average 16K

this is a hilarious - and garbage argument.

there's a wall around cedar falls not allowing anyone from 70k waterloo to attend? which according to google maps is 7.5 miles away (downtown to downtown) and a whole 9 minute drive...

no one from neighboring communities can attend panther games?

i guess i should tell my brother who drives up from moline for jays games there that he shouldn't bother - or some of my friends that cruise over from des moines or minneapolis that there's no point in making the trip anymore as they won't be allowed to attend anymore.

the unfortunate truth is while there are some die hard fans - for whatever reason - the community hasn't really embraced the panthers and the bulk of eastern iowa folks are hawk fans.

I really don't think many people from Waterloo really care that UNI is 7 miles away apart from any local students who live at home and commute to campus from there. My entire family, both sides, is from Waterloo, both parents went to UNI as well as some other family members (a couple athletes included) and Iowa comes first with all of them. That is the sentiment I see with a good majority of their neighbors and the community as a whole. The East-side of Waterloo is incredibly impoverished and I guarantee that not many of them have the means to regularly attend UNI games.

I don't think the stats I threw out mattered, I was simply included that because it seemed to be implied that it is shameful that Cedar Falls residents cannot fill a 7,000 seat arena, as if having more residents than seats equates to an automatic sellout and 100% fan support. I argued back by pointing out that using that logic doesn't mean much or else pretty much every other fanbase in the MVC should take just as much heat because they are doing roughly they same as UNI at attracting a certain % of the Metropolitan Statistical Area to their games.

If you think that sheer volume is how the support should be measured then that is silly in my opinion when you think about it critically. I'm not saying that Northern Iowa does not have a problem with filling the seats but let's not act like they're the only offender or as if there are not a lot of obstacles that those schools have to overcome that others do not.
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Re: UNI at Creighton - 8pm ESPN3

Postby Wufan » January 12th, 2012, 1:42 am

valleychamp wrote:Waterloo is a hellhole, and is like a different world from Cedar Falls. Waterloo has a decent population, but there is not a lot of UNI love coming from that dump. It may as well be 4 hours away, because that it what it feels like.

I agree that the biggest problem is the Hawkeyes. There is just simply too much Hawkeye love in Iowa, and I'd say that over 90% of eastern Iowa is hawk lovers.

I just want to say that all 300000 patrons that live in Wichiat are wealthy and could afford to go to games if they cost $1000.00 per ticket.

Seriously man, you don't think that EVERY part of Wichita is wonderful and that all babies are born with a wheat shock birthmark? Also, It's about a 10-30 minute drive for most wichitans to attend a Shocker game. We do average over 10000 per game and that is about 2.5-3% of the population of Sedwick county. The population that lives within 8 miles of the campus in any direction is about 100,000.

I really don't where this is going except that for some reason the Panther alum feel that they are being discripinated against. Why?
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