by Ace Dad » January 29th, 2012, 1:58 pm
I typically do not believe that "more is better" or "bigger is better" or "more $ spent is better", but in this case, I believe conferences are recognized for (first) the number of teams they get in and then (second) how well their teams perform.
So, I am hoping for CU and WSU to win enough games to get at large bids, and I want both of them to falter before the tournament championship so we are guaranteed (be careful) three bids. If this happens, if a non WSU or CU team wins the MVC tournament and then wins their first NCAA game, that will show the strength of the Valley.
In terms of seeding: Both CU and WSU match up well enough to handle whoever they get in the first round. Honestly, I think WSU will be better served to be an underdog against a BCS name school.
There is no difference between basketball and life. Give both your best and ignore the "fans" on the sideline.