3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

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3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

Postby goodolemvc » January 29th, 2012, 1:47 pm

It has been brought up a time or two so I think it deserves a topic. Which is better for the Valley? WSU v CU in the final of the confrence tourny which would be yet another great game and probably put both teams in the tourny with atleast a sixth seed.

Or is having a one of the 3-6 teams (UE MSU DU or ILL STATE) winning the tournament and adding a 3rd team better? This however, would weaken the seed of CU and WSU.
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3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds



Re: 3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

Postby Ace Dad » January 29th, 2012, 1:58 pm

I typically do not believe that "more is better" or "bigger is better" or "more $ spent is better", but in this case, I believe conferences are recognized for (first) the number of teams they get in and then (second) how well their teams perform.

So, I am hoping for CU and WSU to win enough games to get at large bids, and I want both of them to falter before the tournament championship so we are guaranteed (be careful) three bids. If this happens, if a non WSU or CU team wins the MVC tournament and then wins their first NCAA game, that will show the strength of the Valley.

In terms of seeding: Both CU and WSU match up well enough to handle whoever they get in the first round. Honestly, I think WSU will be better served to be an underdog against a BCS name school.
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Re: 3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » January 29th, 2012, 2:08 pm

I reject the premise that a Wichita State versus Creighton final would guarantee WSU a 6 seed. I think they'd have to win out to get a 6 seed. Creighton is headed to likely a four seed.

To answer the question having more teams is better. More chances for wins, more chances for Sweet 16, and more chances for a Mason or VCU run.
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Re: 3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

Postby goodolemvc » January 29th, 2012, 2:16 pm

I agree with what your saying IF and only if the third team puts on a good showing in the Tourny. I think MSU could definately win a game (they almost beat West Virginia already), but besides them I just don't see the upside. Every non MVC tourny team the UE have played ended up ugly. They just don't have the team yet.

Drake and ILL State are interesting teams. Both have good out of confrenece showings, I believe Drake beat Iowa State (could be wrong) and I know ILL State nearly almost won against Illinois. However, I still think they would be better off winning multiple games in the CBI CBI or NIT. Along with UE, I actually could see UE winning the CBI or CIT, which would be great for the program and the Valley,
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Re: 3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

Postby 2livewu » January 29th, 2012, 2:22 pm

CU is going to be no worse than 5. WSU will be lucky to get in. From a revenue status (and really what else matters?) more is better for the league.

I still don't see any team getting by both CU and WSU, so it's going to take something really odd, like CU losing and that ain't happening, to get 3 in.
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Re: 3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

Postby beatingrillz » January 29th, 2012, 2:33 pm

2livewu wrote:CU is going to be no worse than 5. WSU will be lucky to get in. From a revenue status (and really what else matters?) more is better for the league.

I still don't see any team getting by both CU and WSU, so it's going to take something really odd, like CU losing and that ain't happening, to get 3 in.

I agree but everyone knows WSU cant win in STL, so all anybody really needs to do is beat CU.
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Re: 3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

Postby 2livewu » January 29th, 2012, 2:39 pm

Normally I would agree with you, but the talent etc from WSU and CU is too much to overcome, especially on back to back days.

IF WSU gets to the final (50/50), and CU isn't there, the streak is over. If the Jays are there, the streak continues.
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Re: 3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

Postby valleychamp » January 29th, 2012, 5:55 pm

More teams is always better, without question.
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Re: 3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

Postby Hail Our Panthers » January 29th, 2012, 6:48 pm

If CU and WSU are as good as we think they are, they should be able to overcome an unfortunate draw. It's been done even recently in this league. I can't really imagine anyone knocking off CU and WSU on consecutive days. They're just better than everyone else in the league this year.

More is better. vallychamp, do you know what happened to that article on NCAA finances that PTTB wrote maybe two years ago?
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Re: 3 teams in the NCAA Tourny or 2 with better seeds

Postby FeartheQ » January 29th, 2012, 6:53 pm

More teams for sure.

Regardless of seeding I think Creighton and Wichita State can compete and beat a lot of teams, regardless if they are seeded slightly worse.
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