by JaysOnJays » February 19th, 2012, 12:01 am
As a Creighton student I can explain how the who thing even got started. This morning before the game no one was thinking about storming the court, I mean it is LBSU and while they are a very good basketball team they are not storm worthy. Then the kegs came. It was a 9 o clock start and as many of you know alcohol is served at the CLink, but even in the intoxication people still hadn't thought about storming the court. Then security made a mistake. They asked if they should allow people to storm the court to the marketing department who said it doesn't really matter, if they do then they do, because who would storm the court for a 19-6 team? Well... when the liquored up students found out they weren't going to be stopped if they rushed they took that as we are going to rush. One thing led to another, Antoine's shot fell and that was that.
It was a great crowd and a great game and while the rush shouldn't have happened I would much rather have ended up on the court then sulking my way back home after 3rd straight Saturday loss.
Also there really wasn't a second court rush, about 15 students and the dance team (who issupposed to be out there) went onto the court after the game.