Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

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Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

Postby DoubleJayAlum » February 23rd, 2012, 1:44 pm


The next time you say that anyone at UNI has ever done wrong will be the first time.
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Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games



Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

Postby unipanther99 » February 23rd, 2012, 1:49 pm

DoubleJayAlum wrote:Panther99,

The next time you say that anyone at UNI has ever done wrong will be the first time.

Spring 1998. Former UNI AD Chris Ritrievi hires Sam Weaver as Men's Basketball Coach. :Beer:
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Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

Postby valleychamp » February 23rd, 2012, 1:56 pm

DoubleJayAlum wrote:Panther99,

The next time you say that anyone at UNI has ever done wrong will be the first time.

Coming from you, that is absolutely hilarious.
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Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

Postby DoubleJayAlum » February 23rd, 2012, 2:02 pm

valleychamp wrote:
DoubleJayAlum wrote:Panther99,

The next time you say that anyone at UNI has ever done wrong will be the first time.

Coming from you, that is absolutely hilarious.

You obviously need to read more carefully.
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Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

Postby unipanther99 » February 23rd, 2012, 2:08 pm

Seriously though, I was very critical on the old board of how UNI handled the baseball situation, how they pushed Hartzell out (probably had to be done in retrospect), I joined in the poking fun at our garage door, and those who think too highly of FCS football. And I've been critical of our fan's attendance. I am not usually critical of the team, coaches, or players. And I won't apologize for defending UNI against those who regularly take shots at it for no apparent reason.
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Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

Postby uniftw » February 23rd, 2012, 2:23 pm

DJA was right....Moving D2 was looked at....HOWEVER, he is refusing to add in everything that went with it.....

Oh wait....the study that UNI paid to have conducted (not just "quotes" blogs and newspapers want to use) didn't look at D2. However, you can lump moving D2 in with the "Dropping football" portion of this.

Yep, UNI looked at moving FBS.

http://www.desmoinesregister.com/assets ... 648414.PDF
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Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

Postby DoubleJayAlum » February 23rd, 2012, 2:55 pm

uniftw wrote:DJA was right....Moving D2 was looked at....HOWEVER, he is refusing to add in everything that went with it.....

Oh wait....the study that UNI paid to have conducted (not just "quotes" blogs and newspapers want to use) didn't look at D2. However, you can lump moving D2 in with the "Dropping football" portion of this.

Yep, UNI looked at moving FBS.

http://www.desmoinesregister.com/assets ... 648414.PDF

I'll readily admit I have not ever seen the whole financial study and I don't believe that I ever said that I did. What I said was a read a newspaper story that specifically said that UNI may have to drop to D2 if the state of Iowa went forward with funding cuts that were threatened.

Panther99 seems to think I bring this up for no reason. I do have a reason however: I am concerned about the long term financial viability of UNI's athletic department to compete at the D1 level (they've already sacrificed their baseball program and probably can't cut any other sports and remain D1). As MoVAlleyJOhn said, when government starts to pull funding, it generally keeps coming back again and again. When I expressed that similar concern last fall, I was chided for not knowing "what was really going on", was assured that the athletic department was on sound footing due to UNI FB taking another buy game and that the financial issues were over.

However, a new newspaper story comes to light six whole days ago that once again indicates that the UNI as a whole and the athletic department in particular has money problems again (still?) and further cuts would have to be made.

I'm not making this stuff up!

Obviously the whole problem hasn't been resolved by adding another FB buy game and dropping baseball. Since UNI basketball attendance isn't spectacular, it doesn't seem like the school can raise additional money by simply raising ticket prices like some MVC schools can do. What other options are left? Yet another buy game for the FB team? At what point will current athletic programs have their funds slashed?

With UI and ISU dropping their series with UNI and Drake, it almost looks like those schools are starting to pile on. They have both moved away from the state funded athletic support, while UNI still uses that model. Does anyone really, legitimately, believe that further governmental cuts won't be forthcoming? Would anyone be surprised if IU and ISU specifically lobby for such cuts to free up funds for their own universities? Are Iowans going to continually agree to support having tax dollars used to underwrite athletics when none of the other D1 universities in the state require that same sort of funding?
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Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

Postby uniftw » February 23rd, 2012, 3:01 pm

Cuts were made across the university (Because while the BOR refuses to touch ISU or Iowa's funding they have to make the deficit up somewhere.)

Here is what President Allen sent faculty and staff

Recommend the closure of Malcolm Price Laboratory School
UNI will continue to lead the nation in teacher education by incorporating the latest research and development models in partnership with education experts, leading universities and school districts. Malcolm Price Laboratory School has been an integral part of the strong heritage of achievement in teacher education at UNI, but it is not feasible for UNI to continue to subsidize the school or to invest millions of dollars to improve the aging school building. The financial constraints, combined with current best-practices and research that support realistic and diverse field experiences for education students, make it necessary to recommend the closing of the school by June 30, 2012. Funds will be reallocated to Iowa's Statewide Research and Development initiative and the UNI teacher education program.

Reduce general fund support for Intercollegiate Athletics
UNI is continuing its progress toward reducing general fund support for the Department of Intercollegiate Athletics. Through a combination of expense reduction and revenue generation, general fund support provided to Athletics will be reduced by an additional $500,000 over the next three years. Athletic Director Troy Dannen will provide more detail as soon as final decisions are made. Elimination of sports programs is not anticipated.

Integrate selected UNI Museum collections within campus and community for greater student access
Successfully integrating selected collections into library and department buildings is a primary goal to provide enhanced student access and stronger visitor traffic. The current museum building is in need of major repairs and renovation. The museum building will be closed to the public June 30, 2012 and the collections will be moved to various campus and community locations to provide research, teaching and outreach opportunities. The university will retain ownership of the collections. The closure will save $200,000 annually as well as capital funds that would be required to renovate or build. Office and exhibit spaces will be provided.

Print services partnership for access to new technology and services
A partnership with a variety of local printing and copying companies will provide access to the latest technology and lower overall printing expenses. UNI Print Services will close no later than June 30, 2012. This change will allow UNI to avoid more than $400,000 in equipment replacement costs, as well as department salaries and benefits.

These recommended program changes and cost savings will allow UNI leadership to invest in programs (academic and non-academic) where there is the greatest demand and need.

-- Academic program changes announcement next week
A separate announcement about academic program mergers and closures will be made next week. The programs likely affected are those with low graduation rates.

During the past three years, President Allen has established multiple study groups at UNI to review all academic and non-academic programs, as well as services and outsourcing opportunities. Many changes have already been made with program and service enhancements, closures, outsourcing and reduced staffing levels.

The strategic budget decisions announced today are in addition to significant changes already made by the university. Since 2000, UNI's annual general fund appropriation has been cut seven times and is now below 1996-97 funding levels. State funding to UNI has decreased a total of $23.6 million, or 24 percent, in the last four years. The university began fiscal 2012 with a $5 million budget shortfall. The fiscal 2012 appropriation is $4.3 million below the fiscal 2011 level. UNI will begin fiscal 2013 with an obligation of $4.1 million in negotiated salary and benefits increases.

Long story short the state of Iowa is f-ing UNI in the A
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Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

Postby DoubleJayAlum » February 23rd, 2012, 3:10 pm

uniftw wrote:Long story short the state of Iowa is f-ing UNI in the A

Believe it or not, I agree!
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Re: Drake and UNI lose annual Iowa & Ia St games

Postby unipanther99 » February 23rd, 2012, 3:12 pm

http://www.desmoinesregister.com/articl ... ports-axed

“The current funding model at UNI is not sustainable,” he said. “If we want to be alive in 10 years, let alone competitive, we have to trend more toward a student fee model. That’s how schools like Illinois State, Southern Illinois and Indiana State fund their programs.”
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