MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

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Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

Postby Wufan » February 28th, 2012, 4:47 pm

Based on numbers, I saw Hall as the 5th/6th guy on the new-commer team, possibly playing himself off the team down the stretch. OTOH, Carl came in to the senior-dominated second place team and provided a valuable presence in the post to contribute to the balanced offense. Does more than the stats indicate. NCOY USUALLY is on a mid-pack team (Brown from ISU red) that dominates the stats. Definately not typical to voting. Perhaps a little pre-season hype pushed him to NCOY?

Despite any WSU complaints, the Shockers were the only team awarded with two on the first team and three of the top 15. We got the NCOY and two on the All-Defensive team. While I have my own opinion, I have no issues with the awards.
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Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY



Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

Postby DoubleJayAlum » February 28th, 2012, 4:47 pm

2livewu wrote:
DoubleJayAlum wrote:
2livewu wrote:
Who said the best team has to have the best player? It happens more often than not, but it's neither a rule nor a fact. I have stated Doug deserves the POY because the voting isn't limited to Valley games only. He deserves the award, regardless of the fact he's atrocious defensively.

But if it comes to fruition (as I think it will) one would have to question how CU could have the POY and DPOY (as well as possibly the NOY) and yet, somewhat inexplicably, finish 2 games out of 1st place.

I think the average non-biased fan would struggle to grasp how that is possible, but I could be mistaken.

Yup, you were mistaken.

You seem to have a serious case of butt-sting over seeing your Jays collapse, even though you'll mention to anyone that will listen how you predicted it at the start of the season (and you know in your heart why you did that). Anyone that thinks you didn't expect your Jays to win the conference doesn't know your trolling behavior very well.

You are just paranoid, or to use your own words, butt-stung, because a WSU player didn't get every single award. I picked WSU because I honestly believed their guards were better than CU's and this is still a guard oriented league. (Frankly, the discrepancy is even greater than I estimated, although our guards did end up being much better three point shooters at times than I imagined). I was also concerned with Creighton trying to work in so many new players (we did graduate 5 seniors last year). I'm on the record right here at this fine site for all of those things - one only need look.

I've also never been as high on Antoine Young as many Creighton fans, although I have to admit that he made multiple clutch shots to win us games this year.

And, for the record, I think the voters are the epitome of non-biased fans since they can't vote for players on their own team (With the exception of course being whatever voter voted Doug third in the POY voting - that voter is just an idiot....or a coach/sid/beat writer/radio personality with an agenda....)
Last edited by DoubleJayAlum on February 28th, 2012, 5:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

Postby MVCfans » February 28th, 2012, 5:02 pm

A note from Todd Golden:
Todd Golden ‏ @TribStarTodd
One interesting thing I learned (and confirmed) this week about All-MVC voting ... coaches' ballots get double-value over media and SIDs
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Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

Postby MVCfans » February 28th, 2012, 5:05 pm

Also, from Paul Suellentrop:
Outrage over all-conference voting is a cliche and should come with an expiration time of about 48 hours. I normally don’t get worked up over the votes because I like to hope most of the 40 voters take it seriously and opinions are going to differ. On this one, I think Murry has a legitimate gripe. It is impossible to watch WSU over the past 30 games (or 18 MVC games) and not realize how important he is to the Shockers in all phases. Add in the fact he played for the MVC champions. I don’t see where Drake’s Rayvonte Rice or Indiana State’s Jake Odum performed significantly better than Murry as individuals, and Murry’s team success should serve as sort of a tiebreaker. Voters respect his defense more than the other two, as evidenced by his selection to the All-Defensive Team, which could serve as another tiebreaker.
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Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

Postby kochhead22 » February 28th, 2012, 5:12 pm

Also another tidbit from Paul's blog which i completely agree with . . .

. . . And who would list McDermott third among Player of the Year candidates? The MVC should make those votes public and clean up some of the nonsense.

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Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

Postby valleychamp » February 28th, 2012, 5:25 pm

I don't have a big problem with Murry not making it on 1st or 2nd team. By most accounts from Shocker fans, and as evidenced by the league voting, Murry is probably only the 3rd best player on his own team. He is no doubt very good, but I don't think you can definitively say that he was more deserving than Odum and Rice.

Look at it this way, where are Drake and ISU without Rice or Odum? Those guys are the best players on their respective teams, and they make their teams go. Take Murry off of WSU, and they are probably still pretty damn good.

If Murry played for Drake or ISU, he'd probably be on the 1st or 2nd team.

Overall, I don't have too much problem with the selections. Seems pretty fair, for the most part. Hall being the Newcomer was pretty surprising, and I think there may have been 3-4 others that deserved it before he did. And I personally would have found a spot on the 1st team for Carmichael.
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Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

Postby WooHoo » February 28th, 2012, 5:35 pm

Congrats to all the award winners. Well deserved. I myself am more into the team awards and accomplishments. I'll take that any day of the week as I'm sure most of the players would too.
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Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

Postby cpacmel » February 28th, 2012, 6:03 pm

Haha wrote:LMAO at anybody having their personal feelings hurt over individual awards. Boohoo you big's a game played by college kids, get over it.

And here I thought we were on a message board where these things were discussed. :Bam:

I won't lose a wink of sleep over any of this. Doesn't mean I don't like to talk about it.
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Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

Postby MikeKennedyRulz » February 28th, 2012, 7:14 pm

Haha wrote:LMAO at anybody having their personal feelings hurt over individual awards. Boohoo you big's a game played by college kids, get over it.

You're right. I guess I should just focus on the Shockers utter dominance of the rest of the valley this year. That is more important.

The fact of the matter is that on any other team Echinique is a marginal defender. He just stood out due to the atrocious defense of the rest of the team.
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Re: MVC Post Season Awards - 1st, 2nd teams and POY

Postby jaybydna » February 28th, 2012, 7:29 pm

MikeKennedyRulz wrote:
Haha wrote:LMAO at anybody having their personal feelings hurt over individual awards. Boohoo you big's a game played by college kids, get over it.

You're right. I guess I should just focus on the Shockers utter dominance of the rest of the valley this year. That is more important.

The fact of the matter is that on any other team Echinique is a marginal defender. He just stood out due to the atrocious defense of the rest of the team.

Is this what you were talking about in the "This Board" Thread Arrgh? I personally would commend most shocker fans for their atitude on the board this year. It has made it an enjoyable experience. Too bad the trolls are coming back now.

As for Ech, he deservs it. He shut down everyone who faced him. CUs defense is hurt by guards, not bigs. Ech is a solid young man who played his heart out each and every night and not once asked for anything or saluted the crowd. If you have an argument against him winning, make it better than just the rest of his team sucked.
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