Conference Realignment - May 1

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Conference Realignment - May 1

Postby MVCfans » May 1st, 2012, 2:36 pm

Worth a new thread considering all the changes announced today (CUSA) and the many others we are waiting on (A10). Not sure what (if any) impact this will have on the Valley, but worth watching.

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Conference Realignment - May 1



Re: Conference Realignment - May 1

Postby TheAsianSensation » May 1st, 2012, 3:40 pm

Realignment has affected the Big 10, Pac 10, Big 12, Big East, ACC, SEC, A-10, CAA, CUSA, MWC, WCC, WAC, Horizon, Sun Belt, and MAC. Valley is literally the only conference of at-large significance in the entire country that hasn't been touched by it yet.

My personal opinion on possible Valley pressure points:

1) Mountain West may or may not need a non-football member to balance with Hawaii. If they offered Wichita a basketball conference that includes New Mexico, UNLV, Nevada, and Utah St, what do they do?

2) The A-10 is back to 12 members. Butler would be 13, GMU/VCU would be 15....they could need one more...or just take only one of GMU/VCU...they have options. But if they want 16, Creighton is right there. Drake and Bradley kinda fit the A-10 footprint too, but I seriously doubt it would come to that.

3) New Mexico St could be looking for a basketball home soon while going indy for FBS football. I could see them approaching the Valley.

4) I think the Horizon would make an effort to poach Evansville assuming Butler is gone. Don't think it would work, though.

5) If the MAC adds a team or 3, one of the escape valves for Illinois St and FBS football closes. Warrants mentioning. And the MAC is an immediate threat to expand to 16, IMO. I'm sensing none of the other football schools want to move up in the near future.

6) With the WAC gone, Air Force, if they ever go to the Big East, just became that much more likely to try and park their other sports in the MVC.

All of this's unlikely that any of the above scenarios happen. But it only takes one of the 6 to trigger something. Valley is overdue to get tagged in. A national version of the world-famous TAS Bracketology. Spread the word
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Re: Conference Realignment - May 1

Postby MVCfans » May 1st, 2012, 4:21 pm

Good analysis. Geographically, the MVC doesn't lend itself to being poached, but I still think it's only a matter of time before other conference start making overtures as they reconfigure.
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Re: Conference Realignment - May 1

Postby pafan » May 1st, 2012, 6:40 pm

The next round of invites will come from the Sun Belt, the MAC, and the A10.

The remaining members of the WAC are forced to dance with any willing partner. I think the Sun Belt and MAC will each take one or more WAC teams, most likely Denver, NMST and Idaho.

The A10 is in an interesting situation and I wouldn't be surprised if they stand pat at 12. I would be very surprised if they add four.
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Re: Conference Realignment - May 1

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » May 1st, 2012, 6:48 pm

I'm disappointed that Moats did not have MSU in the mix with the CUSA adding some scrub schools and I mean that athletically and academically. We were definitely in communication with Banowsky and he covertly visited Springfield several times in the last year. My connection in the OVC who is very well connected and always on top of realignment told me that the ODU to CUSA thing completely shocked him. Even with the previous false alarms I still expect that long term we are CUSA bound. I just did not expect UNT, Charlotte, and ODU to get the call first. It would stand to reason that we are more in the geographic footprint and I am sure the CUSA would want to get back into this state after SLU left. Moats needs to get up and actually you know earn his pay by being proactive. By 2025 or 2030 I doubt the Valley looks anything like it does today.
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Re: Conference Realignment - May 1

Postby Haha » May 1st, 2012, 6:51 pm

Your connections/sources suck ballz, quit telling everybody what they tell you, thanks.
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Re: Conference Realignment - May 1

Postby isumvc1 » May 1st, 2012, 7:51 pm

Butler will announce tomorrow they are leaving the Horizon for the A-10 and will join in 2013-2014, so does the Horizon poach Oakland now?

and Casey, thanks for your posts, it's one of the reasons I really like this board, your posts crack me up.
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Re: Conference Realignment - May 1

Postby Aargh » May 1st, 2012, 10:52 pm

MWC fans have been on ShockerNet this week saying the CUSA/MWC merger is FB only and the MWC is looking to add 2 eastern basketball-only schools. They have CU and WSU at the top of their list.

The A-10 looks like a better option for CU. The MWC would be a no-brainer for WSU, especially if CU was leaving the Valley.
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Re: Conference Realignment - May 1

Postby Snaggletooth » May 1st, 2012, 10:59 pm

Danny Ainge was seen in Wichita last weekend. He only shows up in Wichita when something big is going on. So maybe something big is going or maybe not.

Not many know it, but Danny Ainge, while in the background, has had a significant influence on the shaping of Wichita State basketball. I think him and Schaus were friends or something and now Sexton knows him.
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Re: Conference Realignment - May 1

Postby Ferd Berfel » May 2nd, 2012, 6:41 am

Snaggletooth wrote:Danny Ainge was seen in Wichita last weekend. He only shows up in Wichita when something big is going on. So maybe something big is going or maybe not.

Not many know it, but Danny Ainge, while in the background, has had a significant influence on the shaping of Wichita State basketball. I think him and Schaus were friends or something and now Sexton knows him.

Ainge was in Wichita last night in the Presidents box for the K-State baseball game.

Something is up.
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