MVC Cancels Media Day

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MVC Cancels Media Day

Postby DoubleJayAlum » June 14th, 2012, 9:25 am

The MVC has canceled its annual basketball media day according to this article: ... er-update/

I'm sure this had absolutely nothing to do with the fact that some of the teams in the conference are flat broke... :Bam:

I'm not sure a whole lot came out the past media days, but I hate the idea of the conference REDUCING media access and exposure when seemingly the remainder of the athletic world is doing everything possible to increase exposure. If the reduction is due to the financial problems at certain institutions, I think it is even worse as it could be a harbinger of further cutbacks to come.

I'm afraid that this conference has got the wrong kind of momentum going...
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MVC Cancels Media Day



Re: MVC Cancels Media Day

Postby iSASO » June 14th, 2012, 10:40 am

Attendance should be required as a member of the conference. If you cannot send some respectable amount of representation, then you're out. Period.
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Re: MVC Cancels Media Day

Postby unipanther99 » June 14th, 2012, 12:34 pm

I'm sure the conference office always picked up the tab for coach and player travel to media day --- not the teams. And even if the teams did pay, we're not talking an amount that would in any way be a problem for any MVC school. Maybe the conference office budget is running low because of the NCAA tournament money drying up and Arch Madness ticket sales being down.

I'm guessing this has far more to do with the budgets of local media outlets. Newspapers have been slashing staff and coverage left and right. I doubt very many of them want to pay to send a reporter and photographer to Saint Louis when questions can be asked and photos shared online. I know it's not the same, but it is kind of nice to have these regular updates.
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Re: MVC Cancels Media Day

Postby valleychamp » June 14th, 2012, 12:41 pm

unipanther99 wrote:I'm sure the conference office always picked up the tab for coach and player travel to media day --- not the teams. And even if the teams did pay, we're not talking an amount that would in any way be a problem for any MVC school. Maybe the conference office budget is running low because of the NCAA tournament money drying up and Arch Madness ticket sales being down.

I'm guessing this has far more to do with the budgets of local media outlets. Newspapers have been slashing staff and coverage left and right. I doubt very many of them want to pay to send a reporter and photographer to Saint Louis when questions can be asked and photos shared online. I know it's not the same, but it is kind of nice to have these regular updates.

100% correct.

What do you know, just more unfounded ignorant outrage from the usual suspects... :roll:
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Re: MVC Cancels Media Day

Postby LanceShock » June 14th, 2012, 2:48 pm

Newspapers not wanting to send reporters to media day sounds like the most likely reason. After all, the schools with budget constraints are close enough that the coach and player from those schools could drive if they had to.
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Re: MVC Cancels Media Day

Postby uniftw » June 14th, 2012, 5:36 pm

LanceShock wrote:Newspapers not wanting to send reporters to media day sounds like the most likely reason. After all, the schools with budget constraints are close enough that the coach and player from those schools could drive if they had to.

I assume they already do/did.
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Re: MVC Cancels Media Day

Postby iSASO » June 14th, 2012, 5:53 pm

valleychamp wrote:
unipanther99 wrote:I'm sure the conference office always picked up the tab for coach and player travel to media day --- not the teams. And even if the teams did pay, we're not talking an amount that would in any way be a problem for any MVC school. Maybe the conference office budget is running low because of the NCAA tournament money drying up and Arch Madness ticket sales being down.

I'm guessing this has far more to do with the budgets of local media outlets. Newspapers have been slashing staff and coverage left and right. I doubt very many of them want to pay to send a reporter and photographer to Saint Louis when questions can be asked and photos shared online. I know it's not the same, but it is kind of nice to have these regular updates.

100% correct.

What do you know, just more unfounded ignorant outrage from the usual suspects... :roll:

I learned long ago that DJA is an expert on everyone's athletic department so I always post under that assumption.
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Re: MVC Cancels Media Day

Postby DoubleJayAlum » June 15th, 2012, 7:47 am

unipanther99 wrote:I'm guessing this has far more to do with the budgets of local media outlets. Newspapers have been slashing staff and coverage left and right. I doubt very many of them want to pay to send a reporter and photographer to Saint Louis when questions can be asked and photos shared online. I know it's not the same, but it is kind of nice to have these regular updates.

If this is the case, then we can expect to see all of the other conferences cancel media days for the same reason, right?

Something tells me that isn't going to happen. And I doubt that it is only newspaper companies in the Great Plains that are struggling.

From what I've heard, the impetus for cancellation of the event came from particular schools, not newspapers.
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Re: MVC Cancels Media Day

Postby Kyle » June 15th, 2012, 10:05 am

DJA hit the nail on the head. We all know the financial position of every conference in America mirrors the MVC. If the MVC is suffering, this must mean all other conferences are also in a world of hurt.

Heck, the other day I heard the Big 10 was holding a bake sale just to keep the lights on.
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Re: MVC Cancels Media Day

Postby DoubleJayAlum » June 15th, 2012, 10:17 am

Kyle wrote:DJA hit the nail on the head. We all know the financial position of every conference in America mirrors the MVC. If the MVC is suffering, this must mean all other conferences are also in a world of hurt.

Heck, the other day I heard the Big 10 was holding a bake sale just to keep the lights on.

Ugh! My comments were about the newspaper companies! :Bam:

If MVC media day is being cancelled because the newspaper companies don't want to incur the expense to cover it as unipanther insinuates, than it stands to reason that other conferences would have to cut their media days, since newspapers have to cover those too!

I have no doubt that there are many conferences that don't have the financial problems that certain schools in our conference suffer.
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