MVC Preseason Poll

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Re: MVC Preseason Poll

Postby Wufan » October 31st, 2012, 5:42 am

Btw, my post above was supposed to read "s c u m of the earth.". Apparently it auto filtered that word as to not hurt any feelings.
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Re: MVC Preseason Poll



Re: MVC Preseason Poll

Postby SHOXMVC » October 31st, 2012, 7:46 am

Kentucky will finish last every year in the SEC based on the "sound reasoning" displayed here.

They have to replace 4 or 5 starters every year. Oh, wait...the reason they don't finish last, and occasionally win it all, is that they reload with new (quality) players every year, who learn the coaches system quickly.

Hold on "sound reasoners," before you jump off the deep end, I will give you that WSU is no Kentucky. Kentucky has a pool of McDonald AA's to choose from. WSU, or any other Valley institution, doesn't have that target rich environment to choose from. However, WSU and other Valley institutions, have quality new players who when coached well deliver results.

Let's play it out for awhile. As an ardent Shocker fan, I believe we are the second best team in this league. Apparently others feel differently. That''s fine...we will see in a few short months. I anticipate a great Valley season. Hopefully we get three teams in the dance. So for now, I will take my Kool-Aid and and go do my farm chores in the great 'ole cow town.

Good luck to all Valley teams...GO SHOX!!!
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Re: MVC Preseason Poll

Postby Aargh » October 31st, 2012, 11:28 am

We've been over this and over this, but it never goes away.

WSU's NCAA penalties were mainly related to the FB program.

WSU's NCAA violations related to basketball were that a recruit from CA borrowed a coat when he showed up in the middle of winter without one, and a HS cheated on a transcript and WSU didn't pick it up - it took the NCAA 2 years of investigation to determine that Ozell Jones' HS transcript wasn't consistent with NCAA rules and Jones' HS admitted they made it look right so that Jones could get a scholarship.

The borrowed coat and Ozell Jones getting a 'ship based on his HS fudging his HS transcript prevented a #2 ranked team in the nation from participating in the post-season.

WSU's FB program was as crooked as a program can get. The basketball program was mostly an innocent bystander that got some sanctions because the FB program brought attention to the basketball program.

I will add - has your team ever tried to co-exist with a team like KU that seems to feel entitled to all the wins, recruits, and publicity in your state?

If you think it was a coincidence that WSU was the most penalized NCAA D1 school in the nation 40 or 50 years age, then you need to know that WSU was kicking KU's ass for recruits and outplaying them on the court. The NCAA was HQ'd in Kansas City and almost all of their employees were KU grads.
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Re: MVC Preseason Poll

Postby Ricardo del Rio » November 4th, 2012, 9:15 am

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:
C0|db|00ded wrote:I heard that cheers rang out from the Shocker locker room when the OFFICIAL MVC PRESEASON POLL was released because they were expecting to be picked 9th.



Laugh it up. You'll finish closer to 9th than where you were picked. If South Dakota State can work you over behind closed doors then I think the league will be mighty tough for the boys from Sedgewick County.

Someone please save this quote.
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