by SirShoxAlot » November 17th, 2010, 7:30 pm
I'll try.
BU As many as we can think of because Tornado deletes the truth.
CU We don't care. We go home after losses to our $60 million dollar houses, trophy sons and cosmetic surgery riddled wives. Either that or we're drunk beyond consciousness.
Drake YOU try winning games with 6 players because the rest of the bench is doing homework and so is the crowd!
UE We thought we signed up for the OHIO Valley!
ISUblue Hard to get revved up when your mascot is a TREE.
ISUred Shouldn't have scheduled a team with an RPI higher than 278 in the first place.
MSU Our players are out of shape because the restaurants in Springfield, MO only serve deep fried mayonnaise balls.
UNI Our quarterback kept trying to throw touchdowns into an oddly shaped iron ring.
SIU We had to forfeit because overalls with no shirt and Bud Light caps aren't regulation uniforms.
WSU Our players walked into Koch Arena, heard the fans, and thought they had accidentally arrived at a massive delivering room in a hospital, so they left.