Aces1982 wrote:Creighton may get in trouble just because, at least tonight, they are not very deep. It looks as if they go basically 7 deep. That may hurt them down the road.
DoubleJayAlum wrote:Aces1982 wrote:Creighton may get in trouble just because, at least tonight, they are not very deep. It looks as if they go basically 7 deep. That may hurt them down the road.
I think this is a fair point.
I also don't think it is fair to say Colt only scores in garbage time.
What ever happened to Sawvell? He seemed solid with a lot of potential last year, but saw limited minutes tonight. Also, what is with the scruffy mess of a beard? Somebody should tell him that no shave November is over.
I think Evansville is the dirtiest team to come into the Qwest since SIU in the Tatum/Young days. Lots of cheap shots, unnecessary pushes, etc. That defensive style really deals Creighton's offense fits at times.
Finally, I think Marty may actually be fatter now than he was before he lost all of that weight. He was looking Majerus-esqe tonight in that sweater.
musiccitybulldog wrote:MoValley John wrote:My takes.
Game was sold out. Surprised me.
Some chucklehead tried to steal my seat.
Creighton outclassed Evansville in every facet of the game.
Marty looked horrible in the sweatervest.
Quick change for halftime entertainment. I hate it, many love it.
Quick change dude wore Pierce Hibma's jersey. Bad choice.
Evansville is dirty. Really dirty. Cheap shot artists.
Once again, Colt didn't start scoring until garbage time.
I went upscale. Two beers instead of one. Papst Blue Ribbon from the yellow beer shack.
Pretty boring game. No moral victory for the Aces.
MVJ ... I could have used an ice cold Pabst with a little salt in it...watching the Bulldogs tonight.
Do they still have Buckhorn or Grain Belt in the midwest?
DoubleJayAlum wrote:What ever happened to Sawvell? He seemed solid with a lot of potential last year, but saw limited minutes tonight. Also, what is with the scruffy mess of a beard? Somebody should tell him that no shave November is over.
Aces1982 wrote:Creighton lack of defense lets the Aces keep this close and may even allow UE to pull it out at the end.
MoValley John wrote:Once again, Colt didn't start scoring until garbage time.
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