All MVC team

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All MVC team

Postby jackwagon » January 20th, 2013, 4:53 pm

Was just doing some thinking and is this the most talented group of all conference players we've ever had??
PG- Odum
SG- Ryan
SF- Mcdermott
PF- Carmicheal
C- Echenique


That is a nice squad right there
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All MVC team



Re: All MVC team

Postby horacepinker » January 20th, 2013, 5:03 pm

I agree except for Odum. He just doesn't impress me that much.
Deanthonybowden wrote:
"i agree , wsu recruits athletes, but in reality they dont recruit any better basketball players than isu or ill. st, and creighton definately recruits better than wichita, wichita is the most over-rated valley team"
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Re: All MVC team

Postby jackwagon » January 20th, 2013, 5:23 pm

horacepinker wrote:I agree except for Odum. He just doesn't impress me that much.

He is not an all american but who do you replace him with at PG? Its a real weak year for PG in the valley. He also is a great distributor. Ryan and Mcdermott would be that much more dangerous with him on their team.
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Re: All MVC team

Postby iSASO » January 20th, 2013, 6:02 pm

Random member, circa 2007: "Gregg Marshall is in over his head in this conference."
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Re: All MVC team

Postby Wufan » January 20th, 2013, 6:07 pm

I think Hall is your starting center and Greg E goes to the bench...and no, it's not the most talented ever. WSU had 4 future NBA players and a McDs AA on one team. Bradley had similarly talented squads at times.
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Re: All MVC team

Postby jackwagon » January 20th, 2013, 7:21 pm

Wufan wrote:I think Hall is your starting center and Greg E goes to the bench...and no, it's not the most talented ever. WSU had 4 future NBA players and a McDs AA on one team. Bradley had similarly talented squads at times.

when was that?? Maybe 30 years ago or so. Ive never seen WSU have one NBA player on their team. But as far as recent teams this is about as talented as we've had. And Hall is not a Center. He is a better player than the big E but he is not big or strong enough to play the center spot.
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Re: All MVC team

Postby Wufan » January 20th, 2013, 7:30 pm

It was 30 years ago. You said "ever." I thought you meant ever. Now that I know that ever only means what you've seen, then yeah, it might be the best ever.

I'd say Odum is better than Armstead.

I'd say Hall is plenty strong enough to play center at 6-8 and 245.

Also, a better team would be Early at the SF, McD at PF, and Carmichael at C. McD is too slow to guard a SF. Bring Gregg E and Hall off the bench with Jackson, Brown and Armstead in relief.
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Re: All MVC team

Postby MoBraves » January 21st, 2013, 11:30 am

Gotta say that Lemon Jr. can not be ignored for 1st team Valley the way he's played with exception of the UNI game.
Bradley lives and dies by the way Walt plays, and a 12-7 record is not too shabby considering the kind of records BU has had the past couple seasons.
If Lemon contines playing the way he has and BU finishes 9-9 in conference and ahead of ISU-red, he is deserving of 1st team IMO.
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Re: All MVC team

Postby DoubleJayAlum » January 21st, 2013, 11:32 am

MoBraves wrote:Gotta say that Lemon Jr. can not be ignored for 1st team Valley the way he's played with exception of the UNI game.
Bradley lives and dies by the way Walt plays, and a 12-7 record is not too shabby considering the kind of records BU has had the past couple seasons.
If Lemon contines playing the way he has and BU finishes 9-9 in conference and ahead of ISU-red, he is deserving of 1st team IMO.

I've got Lemon on my fantasy team so I know his numbers inside and out. Saying that, there is no way that a ballhandler with Lemon's turnover numbers should be first team anything.
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Re: All MVC team

Postby TNMSUFAN » January 21st, 2013, 12:08 pm

I know we aren't very good but Downing has been solid in conference play...obviously not saying 1st team but in the discussion for the others listed

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