Creighton @ Wichita State

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Re: Creighton @ Wichita State

Postby 3ontheway » January 21st, 2013, 8:35 am

SHOXMVC wrote:Hey 3tool,

You might check your own board about conspiracy theories. There are about 100 expert officials over there professing a homer job. What those Einstein's haven't figured out is that 3G isn't on the warm and fuzzy list of Valley officials. We get homered at home more times than not. Home or away officials arent likely to give him any favors. Take the loss and we will see you in March. Oh, by the way, have you found a jersey yet for cousin "it's" twin brother "if?" :Bam:

3tool, innovative! i know it wasn't the refs, it was the jays just playing kinda poorly and getting virtually nothing from 2 guys that usually contribute A LOT more in Wragge and Manigat, although a blind man could see that they favored the home team on this day in wichiturd (i mean c'mon they invented the travelling call instant replay for ncaa d1 bball for godssakes, so koch now has that going for it too in the illustrious history of that place). And you get "homered" @ home b/c HCGGM is a giant, whiny Dbag with no class and the word is out. if you can't put two and two together to figure that one out.... :?

listen, the shox won and deserved to win, i was just saying hi to the old man usaso.
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Re: Creighton @ Wichita State



Re: Creighton @ Wichita State

Postby DUShock » January 21st, 2013, 9:13 am

The absolute pissiness of Shocker & non-Shocker fans within this thread and others is a reminder of why I only visit the site sporadically. Why can't folks acknowledge the success of an opposing program and admit the shortcomings of one's own teeam in a loss or series of losses? Who is better than whom will be decided over the course of our Conference's grueling 18 games and St Louis play. If another poster is being caustic ignore them. A strong Valley equates to a strong home team so please, some of you stop being so damn myopic. Exercise a little patience and dust will settle all to shortly.

Go Valley!

Go Shocks!!
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Re: Creighton @ Wichita State

Postby mvcfan » January 21st, 2013, 10:43 am

3ontheway wrote:
SHOXMVC wrote: i know it wasn't the refs, it was the jays just playing kinda poorly and getting virtually nothing from 2 guys that usually contribute A LOT more in Wragge and Manigat, although a blind man could see that they favored the home team on this day in wichiturd (i mean c'mon they invented the travelling call instant replay for ncaa d1 bball for godssakes, so koch now has that going for it too in the illustrious history of that place). And you get "homered" @ home b/c HCGGM is a giant, whiny Dbag with no class and the word is out. if you can't put two and two together to figure that one out.... :?

listen, the shox won and deserved to win, i was just saying hi to the old man usaso.

Nice post. I hope that you are getting treatment from mental health professionals for being bi-polar. In any case, you tried to play both sides. You slammed the Shockers, the referees, Marshall, Wichita, and were sarcastic towards Koch Arena, and then you gave some credit to the Shockers. :)

I really don't care if the Shockers were lucky or not. While not a perfect game, they played very good in some areas, and had some deficiencies in others (or maybe Creighton deserves credit for them not playing good in some areas, after all, I think that they were trying to win too). I'm just glad the Shockers won. They have played good enough this year to be in the national discussion in a year when almost everyone thought they shouldn't be even given Valley respect. I hope that they continue to play well enough to be respected nationally Last Saturday, the Shockers were the better team. We'll see what happens between now and March.
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Re: Creighton @ Wichita State

Postby SHOXMVC » January 21st, 2013, 11:00 am

3ontheway wrote:
SHOXMVC wrote:Hey 3tool,

You might check your own board about conspiracy theories. There are about 100 expert officials over there professing a homer job. What those Einstein's haven't figured out is that 3G isn't on the warm and fuzzy list of Valley officials. We get homered at home more times than not. Home or away officials arent likely to give him any favors. Take the loss and we will see you in March. Oh, by the way, have you found a jersey yet for cousin "it's" twin brother "if?" :Bam:

3tool, innovative! i know it wasn't the refs, it was the jays just playing kinda poorly and getting virtually nothing from 2 guys that usually contribute A LOT more in Wragge and Manigat, although a blind man could see that they favored the home team on this day in wichiturd (i mean c'mon they invented the travelling call instant replay for ncaa d1 bball for godssakes, so koch now has that going for it too in the illustrious history of that place). And you get "homered" @ home b/c HCGGM is a giant, whiny Dbag with no class and the word is out. if you can't put two and two together to figure that one out.... :?

listen, the shox won and deserved to win, i was just saying hi to the old man usaso.

Your bipolar posts are funny 3tool. You lead off your post acknowledging it wasn't the refs, but quickly your Sybil personality takes over and you Chardonnay into how "a blind man could see they favored the home team." Then you Cabernet your rambling into how Wichita invented instant replay for traveling. Sorry that on that particular possession SoW had two left feet. Is he above the rules 3tool? You made my point about 3G in your last rant. He isn't, overall, perceived positive in many official circles, so getting calls (even at home) is rare. It's Monday morning...a good time to start your therapy. Remember, overcoming denial is a good first step. ;)
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Re: Creighton @ Wichita State

Postby horacepinker » January 21st, 2013, 11:08 am

Jays26 wrote:
shoxrox wrote:
horacepinker wrote:Nice try Cold but most of the BJs hardcore posters are MIA! DJA and Deanthony Bowden to name a couple.

Don't forget Jays26 and LJay. Those that had the most to say pregame are no where to be found postgame. I'm concerned about their whereabouts.

You have CU posters that rarely post come here offering their opinions, perspectives, and congrats and then you have those that speak the most having issues logging onto MVCfans today. Must be a bitter pill to swallow.

Ha...what a DB....not missing in action.....but on a Caribbean Cruise where it's 80. Obsessed much about me???
How's the weather in Wichiturd? Heck, how's anything in Wichiturd?
Congrats to WS....see u in omaha!


Are you cruising to Fantasy Island, with your internet girfriend that is really a swimsuit model?
Deanthonybowden wrote:
"i agree , wsu recruits athletes, but in reality they dont recruit any better basketball players than isu or ill. st, and creighton definately recruits better than wichita, wichita is the most over-rated valley team"
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Re: Creighton @ Wichita State

Postby 3ontheway » January 21st, 2013, 12:39 pm

SHOXMVC wrote:
3ontheway wrote:
SHOXMVC wrote:Hey 3tool,

You might check your own board about conspiracy theories. There are about 100 expert officials over there professing a homer job. What those Einstein's haven't figured out is that 3G isn't on the warm and fuzzy list of Valley officials. We get homered at home more times than not. Home or away officials arent likely to give him any favors. Take the loss and we will see you in March. Oh, by the way, have you found a jersey yet for cousin "it's" twin brother "if?" :Bam:

3tool, innovative! i know it wasn't the refs, it was the jays just playing kinda poorly and getting virtually nothing from 2 guys that usually contribute A LOT more in Wragge and Manigat, although a blind man could see that they favored the home team on this day in wichiturd (i mean c'mon they invented the travelling call instant replay for ncaa d1 bball for godssakes, so koch now has that going for it too in the illustrious history of that place). And you get "homered" @ home b/c HCGGM is a giant, whiny Dbag with no class and the word is out. if you can't put two and two together to figure that one out.... :?

listen, the shox won and deserved to win, i was just saying hi to the old man usaso.

Your bipolar posts are funny 3tool. You lead off your post acknowledging it wasn't the refs, but quickly your Sybil personality takes over and you Chardonnay into how "a blind man could see they favored the home team." Then you Cabernet your rambling into how Wichita invented instant replay for traveling. Sorry that on that particular possession SoW had two left feet. Is he above the rules 3tool? You made my point about 3G in your last rant. He isn't, overall, perceived positive in many official circles, so getting calls (even at home) is rare. It's Monday morning...a good time to start your therapy. Remember, overcoming denial is a good first step. ;)

that wasn't the play I was talking about regarding the invention of instant replay and overturning a travelling call to issue a personal foul after review, again, unprecedented. not too smart huh?

I do like drinking wine as well as other libations. :Cheers:

ShoxMVC, do you do the "Shox" sign at the games?? With ferocity?
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Re: Creighton @ Wichita State

Postby rlh04d » January 21st, 2013, 1:20 pm

bluejays89 wrote:Both teams shot below average but that can happen in "rivalry" games, but lets not think that the shockers are just going to destroy Creighton at home if the play just average on offense, the same could be said if Creighton rebounds better defensively that they would "roll" the shockers in Omaha. Saying that I expect another close game that will come down to the wire and hopefully that can be CU this time. Best case scenario for the Valley is to have two 28-2 (16-1) teams competing for the title on national tv.

Did I say that the Shockers were going to "roll" Creighton? I'm fairly sure I didn't.

It seems you guys are blaming Creighton shooting below their season average and being out rebounded offensively for why they lost. These aren't aberrations, though. Wichita State is a better offensive rebounding team (they have 89 more offensive rebounds through this point in the season). Wichita State is a defensive team, and certainly better than Creighton on defense, that will generally make any team they play shoot below their scoring average.

Creighton being out rebounded and shooting a lower % than normal is what you should expect to happen again in Omaha. I don't know that Wichita State will win, but I am fairly confident that those two things will once again happen.

If your fellow Jays fans wish to give "reasons" (excuses) to explain why they lost, pointing out the two obvious things that anyone could expect to come out of that game (being out rebounded by the better rebounding team, and held to below season shooting % by the better defensive team) is absurd. Truth is, those two things SHOULD happen ... Wichita State shooting abysmal should not, because Creighton is not good enough defensively to make them match their numbers at VCU (Pomeroy has VCU 13th defensively, Creighton 59). Statistically, Wichita State is far more likely to shoot at their season average in Omaha than Creighton is, and far more likely to again out rebound Creighton.
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Re: Creighton @ Wichita State

Postby rlh04d » January 21st, 2013, 1:34 pm

WestOmahaBluejay wrote:CU shot 10% under their season average in the game, and WSU shot 7% under theirs from the field, so I am not seeing a huge disconnect there. Sure CU's lower FG percentage can be attributed to WSU's style of defense, but also there were plenty of open looks that CU missed that would have made a difference (i.e. Wragge getting two open looks to tie the game). And to say that Wichita's low FG percentage was all about missing open shots - did you watch the game? CU played one of its better defensive games of the season (outside of a few possessions) and matched the Shockers intensity through all 40 minutes, on the road. Going back on it, Wichita State won the game with all of its second chance opportunities (outscoring CU in that stat 23-5), and the turnover margin (14-6).

I'm unsure why you think pointing out difference from season average in the game matters. According to Pomeroy, Wichita State is the 32nd best defense in the country, and Creighton is 59th ... of course Wichita State held Creighton to a lower average, because Wichita is the better defensive team. It's not an aberration when you're held to a lower shooting % than normal against a good defensive team. That's to be expected.

I agree that Creighton played one of its better defensive games of the season. That had little to do with Wichita's terrible 3 point % (particularly in the first half), though, and nothing to do with their terrible FT%, though.

My point is, which is more likely in the rematch in Omaha: Creighton will out rebound Wichita offensively (despite having nearly 100 less offensive rebounds through the season so far), Creighton will hold Wichita to offensive numbers similar to what VCU held them to (VCU as the 13th best defense in the country, versus Creighton at 59th), Wichita State will hold Creighton to 10% under their season average (as the 32nd best defense in the country)? In fact, the one statistical anomaly from that game was Creighton out blocking Wichita 6-4, despite averaging only 2.7 blocks a game to WSU's 4.7.

I don't know that Wichita will win in Omaha ... Creighton is an excellent team this year, and I think they're way better than last year now that they actually try to play defense rather than just running the score up, and McDermott's shot is beautiful. But if you're going to make excuses for losing, don't make them the ones that anyone should have been able to predict going into this game.

If you want to hang your hat on anything for the rematch in Omaha, I would point to the officiating, which I think is very unlikely to go Wichita's way to that extent in Omaha.. But then Creighton fans never complain about officiating; that's just Shocker fans, right?
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Re: Creighton @ Wichita State

Postby SHOXMVC » January 21st, 2013, 1:49 pm

3ontheway wrote:
SHOXMVC wrote:
SHOXMVC wrote:
Your bipolar posts are funny 3tool. You lead off your post acknowledging it wasn't the refs, but quickly your Sybil personality takes over and you Chardonnay into how "a blind man could see they favored the home team." Then you Cabernet your rambling into how Wichita invented instant replay for traveling. Sorry that on that particular possession SoW had two left feet. Is he above the rules 3tool? You made my point about 3G in your last rant. He isn't, overall, perceived positive in many official circles, so getting calls (even at home) is rare. It's Monday morning...a good time to start your therapy. Remember, overcoming denial is a good first step. ;)

that wasn't the play I was talking about regarding the invention of instant replay and overturning a travelling call to issue a personal foul after review, again, unprecedented. not too smart huh?

Yea, because you are crystal clear in your description of the play you were describing. Good therapy usually works on clear communication skills...just sayin.
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Re: Creighton @ Wichita State

Postby Heinro » January 21st, 2013, 2:09 pm

3ontheway wrote:That wasn't the play I was talking about regarding the invention of instant replay and overturning a travelling call to issue a personal foul after review, again, unprecedented. not too smart huh?

3ontheway, how often do you watch college basketball? For the last few years there is a new rule that states if you elbow someone in the head it is at least a flagrant 1 foul, which is 2 shots and the ball. So yes, Gibbs originally traveled until they reviewed it and saw that he clearly elbowed Cotton in the face. To those that say it is a dumb call, it is the rule, flagrant 1 doesn't mean intentional, malicious, or anything of the sort, it just means that it happened. So unprecedented? No, I'd venture to guess it happens at least a few times a week across the country.
Thoughts and prayers to WSU finding a new conference.
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