If a team plays Wichita State using a different strategy, their athletic department needs to look into firing their head coach. I'll walk you through it:
1. Play zone. Wichita State's guards think you beat the zone by standing in one place and making s...l...o...w passes.
2. Double/Triple the post. The only worrisome offense players on Wichita State are Hall and Early. Period
3. Put a man on Early and Wiggins whenever they are on the perimeter
4. Pretend Williams and Cotton don't exist.
If you do anything else, you don't deserve to be a D1 head coach. The reason Wichita State has had 3 bad games in a row is because teams have figured out what they need to do to completely take Wichita State's offense out of the picture. Neither Williams nor Cotton are D2 level scoring threats, so teams are essentially playing 5 on 3 most of the time (hence the zone). Armstead sometimes joins them to make it 5 on 2.
Marshall better work his magic, or this slide will continue. UNI is still playing for NIT seeding.