Question for Creighton Fans

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Question for Creighton Fans

Postby GoShockers89 » February 20th, 2013, 6:29 pm

What are the odds that Doug leaves for the NBA this offseason?

Creighton received a lot of hype before the season started. While the Jays have disappointed in many ways, I feel that Doug has mostly lived up to his press clippings. He is a really special player and the most consistent performer for the Bluejays.

However, CU loses Gibbs and Echenique in a month. Gibbs seems to be the most underrated player in recent memory at Creighton. He is clearly the main catalyst in getting Doug scoring opportunities. Those two have a real rhythm together. And Ech, despite a disappointing senior year, is still an imposing presence down low that allows Doug to spread out as a stretch 4. Without Ech keeping the D from cheating, most of Doug's looks from beyond the arc never happen.

Doug is likely to be a 1st team AA and this year's draft class is WEAK. Creighton looks like they'll take (at least) a slight hit heading into next season with Gibbs and Ech leaving. The preseason hype for the team won't be there. If Doug returns, he risks falling into obscurity on a good-not-great team like Canaan has witnessed at Murray State this year.

I have seen projections with him going anywhere from late 1st round to bottom of 2nd round if he leaves now. Does he go?
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Question for Creighton Fans



Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby Jays26 » February 20th, 2013, 6:43 pm

My guess along with others it seems is if he is picked in the 1st round he is prob gone. Drops to the 2nd round or later he stays.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby Deanthonybowdenfan » February 20th, 2013, 6:52 pm

The feeling around Omaha is pretty much 50/50. I dont think Doug even knows yet. Obviously we all are hoping he comes back, and if he goes to the NBA its hard to say what kind of team we would be next year. I personally have a feeling he will come back, but its kind of a tossup right now.
And I dont think Creighton fans under-appreciate Gibbs. I think the media has just kindof focused a little too much on Doug. Most Creighton fans will tell you Gibbs might be just as hard to lose as Doug would be. And Greg might be also. What some people dont realize is Gibbs has many injuries he plays through. He hasn't been 100% ever while hes been at Creighton, if he was healthy he would be one of the best players in the country i believe. Hes deceptively a great athlete, although his injuries definately slow him down.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby GoShockers89 » February 20th, 2013, 7:09 pm

Jays26 wrote:My guess along with others it seems is if he is picked in the 1st round he is prob gone. Drops to the 2nd round or later he stays.

I'm not much of an NBA guy. However, don't you have to declare before the draft? In baseball, a junior can get drafted and then make his signing decision afterwards. I thought in basketball that once you enter the draft, it's adios for good.

Is that right?
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby rlh04d » February 20th, 2013, 7:11 pm

Should it matter?

I mean, surely Creighton can replace four of their starters every year and still challenge for the Valley championship, right?

If WSU can do it, surely Creighton, the class of the Valley's history, should have no problem replacing just one little player.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby Deanthonybowdenfan » February 20th, 2013, 7:15 pm

Yes. I think what he ment was- if the people who are telling Doug where he will likely be drafted tell him 1st round he would go. If they tell him he will probably be second round , he would stay. But even then, none of us know what Doug is thinking, theres not a Creighton fan who knows. Doug is waiting till the season is over to think about that decision.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby GoShockers89 » February 20th, 2013, 7:17 pm

Deanthonybowden wrote:Yes. I think what he ment was- if the people who are telling Doug where he will likely be drafted tell him 1st round he would go. If they tell him he will probably be second round , he would stay. But even then, none of us know what Doug is thinking, theres not a Creighton fan who knows. Doug is waiting till the season is over to think about that decision.

Gotcha, that makes more sense. Thanks.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby bluejays89 » February 20th, 2013, 7:19 pm

rlh04d wrote:Should it matter?

I mean, surely Creighton can replace four of their starters every year and still challenge for the Valley championship, right?

If WSU can do it, surely Creighton, the class of the Valley's history, should have no problem replacing just one little player.

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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby Kyle » February 20th, 2013, 10:22 pm

He should go while his name is hot. His stock has nowhere to go but down.
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Re: Question for Creighton Fans

Postby C0|db|00ded » February 20th, 2013, 10:28 pm

If SoW is picked in the 1st round of the NBA draft, I will kiss the Papal ring, convert to Catholicism, and become a BJ fan.


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