C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

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Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

Postby Deanthonybowdenfan » February 20th, 2013, 10:49 pm

Forgive me I have sinned. I meant it gets deafening in there. And for the mentally challenged among us, like yourself, I was not being sarcastic. I wear earplugs to all home Creighton games to protect my Ear health. I guess i assumed people were smart enough to realize what i meant when i said it gets deafening in their, whether i spelled it right or not. But then I remembered that some fans on here grew up in Kansas, where many people read the Bible to mean God is hateful. In case you cant figure out what im referring to, im referring to that famous church that always makes the news from your great state. God Bless.
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Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!



Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

Postby rjl » February 20th, 2013, 10:57 pm

Deanthonybowden wrote:Forgive me I have sinned. I meant it gets deafening in there. And for the mentally challenged among us, like yourself, I was not being sarcastic. I wear earplugs to all home Creighton games to protect my Ear health. I guess i assumed people were smart enough to realize what i meant when i said it gets deafening in their, whether i spelled it right or not. But then I remembered that some fans on here grew up in Kansas, where many people read the Bible to mean God is hateful. In case you cant figure out what im referring to, im referring to that famous church that always makes the news from your great state. God Bless.

Jesus, I was just pulling your leg. Step down off the ledge, ya big pussy.
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Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

Postby rlh04d » February 20th, 2013, 11:04 pm

Deanthonybowden wrote:Forgive me I have sinned. I meant it gets deafening in there. And for the mentally challenged among us, like yourself, I was not being sarcastic. I wear earplugs to all home Creighton games to protect my Ear health. I guess i assumed people were smart enough to realize what i meant when i said it gets deafening in their, whether i spelled it right or not. But then I remembered that some fans on here grew up in Kansas, where many people read the Bible to mean God is hateful. In case you cant figure out what im referring to, im referring to that famous church that always makes the news from your great state. God Bless.

I personally feel like attacking the intelligence of others or an entire state based on the action of a single family of bigots is the wrong course of action for someone with your obvious shortcomings.

If you'd like people to understand your point, however, I'd suggest communicating more effectively. With an actual adult grasp of the language you are theoretically a native speaker of.
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Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

Postby C0|db|00ded » February 20th, 2013, 11:29 pm

Wait a minute... did somebody in this thread just say they wear earplugs to BJ games at the Quiet Link? Why would one do that? Is that some kind of new college trick to make the beer go down faster like shotgunning was back in the day? Perhaps you open the can with it up to your mouth and quickly pull out your ear plugs?


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Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

Postby Deanthonybowdenfan » February 21st, 2013, 1:01 am

You mean you've never heard that a lack of oxygen increases the effects of alcohol? The same applies to when your in places of high altitude like in the Rockies. Earplugs decrease your body's intake of oxygen by blocking those holes in your ears, hence you only need 2 beers instead of 3. All kidding aside, I wear the earplugs cause it gets so loud with the 17,000 plus in the CenturyLink every night that if i weren't to wear them my hearing would be very poor by now, considering I attend 4 or 5 games every year in Omaha.
rjl wrote:
Deanthonybowden wrote:Forgive me I have sinned. I meant it gets deafening in there. And for the mentally challenged among us, like yourself, I was not being sarcastic. I wear earplugs to all home Creighton games to protect my Ear health. I guess i assumed people were smart enough to realize what i meant when i said it gets deafening in their, whether i spelled it right or not. But then I remembered that some fans on here grew up in Kansas, where many people read the Bible to mean God is hateful. In case you cant figure out what im referring to, im referring to that famous church that always makes the news from your great state. God Bless.

Jesus, I was just pulling your leg. Step down off the ledge, ya big pussy.

Did it ever occur to you that i might be kidding? Oh yea, once again, I keep forgetting you live in Kansas, You guys have a hard time with common sense. God is Love, its a simple verse, tell your buddies over at that church to not overthink that one. Its really pretty simple, its a 3 word verse. If you need help interpreting these great words of wisdom contact someone from Nebraska, we will gladly explain it to you.
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Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

Postby AndShock » February 21st, 2013, 1:12 am

I try to get to the CLink every other year or so and the volume has never struck me as anything near "loud." The conference championship game @ SWOMO 2 years was louder than I have ever heard the CLink. The CLink is a nice atmosphere but that's because of the sheer number of fans there. 17k+ fans in one basketball arena is cool even if they're almost all BJs.
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Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

Postby Deanthonybowdenfan » February 21st, 2013, 1:47 am

Hmm im not sure why it wasn't loud when you were there. Then again, I always wear my earplugs so maybe things have changed since I watched a Creighton home game without the plugs.
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Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

Postby rjl » February 21st, 2013, 1:49 am

Deanthonybowden wrote:Did it ever occur to you that i might be kidding? Oh yea, once again, I keep forgetting you live in Kansas, You guys have a hard time with common sense. God is Love, its a simple verse, tell your buddies over at that church to not overthink that one. Its really pretty simple, its a 3 word verse. If you need help interpreting these great words of wisdom contact someone from Nebraska, we will gladly explain it to you.

Actually, I don't live in Kansas.

But even if I did, the fact that you continually act like people who live in a state immediately adjacent to your own are so fundamentally different totally completes the vision I have for you.

You need new material, by the way. You made a giant stretch with the Westboro Baptist thing (Topeka isn't much closer to Wichita than it is to Omaha), and now you keep going back to that dry well again and again.

The bottom line is you are a douchecanoe whose only skill worse than grammar and spelling is the ability to argue.
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Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

Postby Deanthonybowdenfan » February 21st, 2013, 3:37 am

Lighten up buddy, if you could interpret what i've been saying you would realize I'm kidding. I keep going back to it cause you make it so easy lol. Probably everyone else in here realizes I've been kidding in this thread, except for you, I hope you feel smart since you can spell "their". I don't really have a problem with Kansans, I'm not dumb, I was just responding to you pointing out my grammar flaws, so I pointed out your flaws in return.
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Re: C0|db|00ded Seal of Approval!

Postby iSASO » February 21st, 2013, 8:13 am

Deanthonybowden wrote:Lighten up buddy, if you could interpret what i've been saying you would realize I'm kidding. I keep going back to it cause you make it so easy lol. Probably everyone else in here realizes I've been kidding in this thread, except for you, I hope you feel smart since you can spell "their". I don't really have a problem with Kansans, I'm not dumb, I was just responding to you pointing out my grammar flaws, so I pointed out your flaws in return.

Get a life.
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