Redbirds at Aces

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Re: Redbirds at Aces

Postby kochhead22 » February 22nd, 2013, 4:10 pm

ilstu2013 wrote:
rlh04d wrote:
SHOXMVC wrote:The delusional bird-brain cry babies just keep coming.

I'm assuming based on his post history that he's not mentally handicapped, so I think he's trolling you. Let it go :D
Post on the Redbird board, but sometimes it takes something like this to bring a person out of the woodwork. First of all, if you know Jackie he doesn't have one mean bone in his body and would never intentionally kick someone. But ultimately besides Jackie's character take Coach Muller's quote into consideration. As Coach Muller said, "You don't have to know Jackie to have common sense." Look at this thread on the Redbird board with pictures of Jackie as well as other players kicking their legs out on rebounds. ... f=6&t=4585 .

So truth is this is a regular occurrence. Difference in this case is Marshall and his team had prepared for this move ahead of time having viewed it on tape. Cotton knew it was coming, drew closer and took the hit the same way that he would a charge and down to the ground he went. You can call it a smart play if you want because it probably is for Marshall to prepare his players accordingly and for Cotton to play it that way defensively. I think it is a bit much to be called an intentional foul when it is such a regular play and there was no excessiveness or intentional moves involved.

DAMN. . . Shocker fans, he's figured out our coach's plan. Just so everyone will be on the same page, coach works with players for about an hour or so everyday on a special play...

The play revolves around getting in front of a players foot when they're up in the air for a rebound, once the said kick has landed on a player coach goes in to action, he will ask the officials for a review, the said play is then reviewed and called a "flagrant foul." Coach has been practicing this play for years with both Wichita State and Winthrop, knowing ONE DAY it would be needed. The man is a GENIUS
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Re: Redbirds at Aces



Re: Redbirds at Aces

Postby SHOXMVC » February 22nd, 2013, 5:33 pm

ilstu2013 wrote:
rlh04d wrote:
SHOXMVC wrote:The delusional bird-brain cry babies just keep coming.

I'm assuming based on his post history that he's not mentally handicapped, so I think he's trolling you. Let it go :D
Post on the Redbird board, but sometimes it takes something like this to bring a person out of the woodwork. First of all, if you know Jackie he doesn't have one mean bone in his body and would never intentionally kick someone. But ultimately besides Jackie's character take Coach Muller's quote into consideration. As Coach Muller said, "You don't have to know Jackie to have common sense." Look at this thread on the Redbird board with pictures of Jackie as well as other players kicking their legs out on rebounds. ... f=6&t=4585 .

So truth is this is a regular occurrence. Difference in this case is Marshall and his team had prepared for this move ahead of time having viewed it on tape. Cotton knew it was coming, drew closer and took the hit the same way that he would a charge and down to the ground he went. You can call it a smart play if you want because it probably is for Marshall to prepare his players accordingly and for Cotton to play it that way defensively. I think it is a bit much to be called an intentional foul when it is such a regular play and there was no excessiveness or intentional moves involved.

I wasn't aware the community mental health center in-patient units in Illinois had Internet access for patients. :huh:
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Re: Redbirds at Aces

Postby Ricardo del Rio » February 22nd, 2013, 6:02 pm

ilstu2013 wrote:
So truth is this is a regular occurrence. Difference in this case is Marshall and his team had prepared for this move ahead of time having viewed it on tape.

Cotton knew it was coming, drew closer and took the hit the same way that he would a charge and down to the ground he went.

You can call it a smart play if you want because it probably is for Marshall to prepare his players accordingly and for Cotton to play it that way defensively. I think it is a bit much to be called an intentional foul when it is such a regular play and there was no excessiveness or intentional moves involved.

You have to be a moron, who is trying too hard to be a moron, to come up with this drivel.

How old are you?
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Re: Redbirds at Aces

Postby rlh04d » February 22nd, 2013, 6:23 pm

ilstu2013 wrote:Look at this thread on the Redbird board with pictures of Jackie as well as other players kicking their legs out on rebounds. ... f=6&t=4585 .


The only picture on that thread that is comparable is the Blake Griffin one, and that's because he's being grabbed from behind, throwing off his balance. There are a couple of dunks, where the front of the body stops abruptly as it gets to the rim and the bottom continues on. That was NOT the case here.

There is not one picture in that thread comparable to Carmichael's rebound.

As I've said, you're either mentally retarded or a troll. Bye now.
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Re: Redbirds at Aces

Postby sixth ace » February 22nd, 2013, 7:53 pm

outpost wrote:
mvcfan31 wrote:I actually think UE has a legit shot at this game. Remember last year UE played Creighton on their senior night and put up 43 in a overtime loss in Omaha. He does that again...well it will be worth the price of admission.

I really don't care how many Colt long as he's not making his living at the FT line........

If the Shockers don't foul him then he won't be on the free throw line

Shocker's hold their destiny in their hands The Aces can destroy it tho
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Re: Redbirds at Aces

Postby ilstu2013 » February 22nd, 2013, 10:55 pm

rlh04d wrote:BS.

The only picture on that thread that is comparable is the Blake Griffin one, and that's because he's being grabbed from behind, throwing off his balance. There are a couple of dunks, where the front of the body stops abruptly as it gets to the rim and the bottom continues on. That was NOT the case here.

There is not one picture in that thread comparable to Carmichael's rebound.

As I've said, you're either mentally retarded or a troll. Bye now.
Well, there is one thing in common with WSU's fanbase and team and staff. Name-calling and classlessness with holes in arguments isn't exactly the best practice. But that doesn't surprise me that the WSU fanbase has this attitude because it is exhibited by the coaching staff and trickled down. Beginning with last March, barging in a post-game press conference and saying there were "strange things" and a "conspiracy." Hey, if we had the same attitude we would be saying there were strange things in this game and that there was a conspiracy in this game, but no. And then this time after the game at Redbird with WSU assistant coach Chris Jans taunting the fans and coming after ISU associate coach Dana Ford to instigate an argument with him. By the way, maybe one of the reasons Ford left WSU for ISU was to join a classier program and staff. Just a thought.

Actually, every one of the pictures in that thread applies to Carmichael's rebound against WSU. Pretty simple if you ask me but I will explain a little slower so you Wichita fans can comprehend this. SImply put, Carmichael kicks his legs out for every rebound he gets as exhibited in all the photos on that thread. Carmichael once again kicked his legs out in the rebound against WSU. So what is the difference, you ask. Well, that would be that Cotton was right up on him, anticipated the hit and took it like a charge. Hey, no one in the ISU fanbase resorted to name-calling or anything like your fanbase has. So if you wanna keep doing that, that's fine, but it only continues to reflect poorly on WSU and further exemplies the higher level of classiness exhibited by ISU compared to WSU.
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Re: Redbirds at Aces

Postby Aces0976 » February 22nd, 2013, 11:16 pm

ilstu2013 wrote:
rlh04d wrote:BS.

The only picture on that thread that is comparable is the Blake Griffin one, and that's because he's being grabbed from behind, throwing off his balance. There are a couple of dunks, where the front of the body stops abruptly as it gets to the rim and the bottom continues on. That was NOT the case here.

There is not one picture in that thread comparable to Carmichael's rebound.

As I've said, you're either mentally retarded or a troll. Bye now.
Well, there is one thing in common with WSU's fanbase and team and staff. Name-calling and classlessness with holes in arguments isn't exactly the best practice. But that doesn't surprise me that the WSU fanbase has this attitude because it is exhibited by the coaching staff and trickled down. Beginning with last March, barging in a post-game press conference and saying there were "strange things" and a "conspiracy." Hey, if we had the same attitude we would be saying there were strange things in this game and that there was a conspiracy in this game, but no. And then this time after the game at Redbird with WSU assistant coach Chris Jans taunting the fans and coming after ISU associate coachDana Ford to instigate an argument with him. By the way, maybe one of the reasons Ford left WSU for ISU was to join a classier program and staff. Just a thought.

Actually, every one of the pictures in that thread applies to Carmichael's rebound against WSU. Pretty simple if you ask me but I will explain a little slower so you Wichita fans can comprehend this. SImply put, Carmichael kicks his legs out for every rebound he gets as exhibited in all the photos on that thread. Carmichael once again kicked his legs out in the rebound against WSU. So what is the difference, you ask. Well, that would be that Cotton was right up on him, anticipated the hit and took it like a charge. Hey, no one in the ISU fanbase resorted to name-calling or anything like your fanbase has. So if you wanna keep doing that, that's fine, but it only continues to reflect poorly on WSU and further exemplies the higher level of classiness exhibited by ISU compared to WSU.

I should probably just stay out of this but I sat no more than 20 feet from one of the baskets the other night and never saw Carmichael kick his legs out one time. And believe me I was focused on his feet, because you know our guards are shorter than the kick would've been to the temple of our guards. I was genuinely fearful for our player's safety. Luckily I read later on that night that he has tired legs. :huh:
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Re: Redbirds at Aces

Postby ilstu2013 » February 22nd, 2013, 11:33 pm

Aces0976 wrote:I should probably just stay out of this but I sat no more than 20 feet from one of the baskets the other night and never saw Carmichael kick his legs out one time. And believe me I was focused on his feet, because you know our guards are shorter than the kick would've been to the temple of our guards. I was genuinely fearful for our player's safety. Luckily I read later on that night that he has tired legs. :huh:
Hey, no worries about chiming in. A lot of respect for the Aces fanbase. A very classy bunch. Not only that, but the UE program has had to endure a lot of tough times and is starting to see a resurgence that is well deserved after all the program had to go through. Not only with recently graduated Denver Holmes and Kenny Harris as well as this year's senior class, but also an impressive freshman group. Evansville put together the best complete game performance against the Redbirds during conference, handing them their largest margin of defeat in conference, and they are really capable of a lot with the one weakness being road play. But if that can get rectified, sky is the limit.

Anyway, in terms of your point, besides the "tired legs", it wouldn't surprise me if the WSU incident made him rethink things because once you have a call go against you like that, you have second thoughts for sure. So it wouldn't surprise me if that WSU incident caused him to be more cognizant of the way he rebounds and try to change the way he does that, so that could potentially explain not seeing him kicking his legs out following the WSU incident. And way to make your point without name calling and stuff like that. That goes a long way. Much more civil and contributes to a much more positive atmosphere. Also, leads to a much more positive representation of your fanbase and school, as well as leading to a higher level of respect and much more classy.
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Re: Redbirds at Aces

Postby Deanthonybowdenfan » February 23rd, 2013, 12:12 am

A message to Illinois State fans, Shocker fans please just don't read.

I watched that whole game, any fan base would be very disappointed and react the same as you guys have. You guys outplayed them all game and should of won, but the fact is you didn't. I can see that call going both ways, I really am not sure what the correct call should of been. However, they sent the wrong free throw shooter to the foul line for WSU, that is , based on facts, the wrong call. Would Cotton of made the free throws? who knows, but statistically he more than likely would of missed one of them. You can't blame the shockers for the call, only the refs.

As far as shocker fans being classless? Just like with any fan base theres good fans and classless fans. I have met good shocker fans. Now, I do agree that there is more classless, rediculous fans in shockernation than in probably any other Valley school, and yes theres questionable conduct that has gone on within the program, but its all speculation, there is no proof so we can't really judge. Keep in mind, when dealing with shocker fans, they are not used to being good, so they are just releasing all the built up frustrations now that they finally can. And they outnumber all other fanbases on this board by a large margin, so even if they are clearly wrong, they will have more support for their side of every argument. The name calling MANY of their fans do is rediculous, i agree. Usually when you know u've lost an argument you have to resort to name calling tactics to divert the attention. Yes, almost all of their arguments have obvious holes in them, but it doesn't matter, simply cause they outnumber all other fanbases on this board so they will still get more support. I hope you get the chance to play WSU in St. Louis. I think if you do you will beat them, they haven't won in St. Louis in 26 years lol, 26 years, and yet many of them believe they are the class of the valley. Every other team in the League has won a championship in St. Louis more recently than them, except for Evansville. Hell, even Tulsa has. You guys have won 3 championships in St. Louis since WSU's last. Creighton has won 9 championships there since WSU's last. Let them enjoy their moment in the sun.
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Re: Redbirds at Aces

Postby isuredbirds92 » February 23rd, 2013, 1:53 am

Deanthonybowden wrote:A message to Illinois State fans, Shocker fans please just don't read.

I watched that whole game, any fan base would be very disappointed and react the same as you guys have. You guys outplayed them all game and should of won, but the fact is you didn't. I can see that call going both ways, I really am not sure what the correct call should of been. However, they sent the wrong free throw shooter to the foul line for WSU, that is , based on facts, the wrong call. Would Cotton of made the free throws? who knows, but statistically he more than likely would of missed one of them. You can't blame the shockers for the call, only the refs.

As far as shocker fans being classless? Just like with any fan base theres good fans and classless fans. I have met good shocker fans. Now, I do agree that there is more classless, rediculous fans in shockernation than in probably any other Valley school, and yes theres questionable conduct that has gone on within the program, but its all speculation, there is no proof so we can't really judge. Keep in mind, when dealing with shocker fans, they are not used to being good, so they are just releasing all the built up frustrations now that they finally can. And they outnumber all other fanbases on this board by a large margin, so even if they are clearly wrong, they will have more support for their side of every argument. The name calling MANY of their fans do is rediculous, i agree. Usually when you know u've lost an argument you have to resort to name calling tactics to divert the attention. Yes, almost all of their arguments have obvious holes in them, but it doesn't matter, simply cause they outnumber all other fanbases on this board so they will still get more support. I hope you get the chance to play WSU in St. Louis. I think if you do you will beat them, they haven't won in St. Louis in 26 years lol, 26 years, and yet many of them believe they are the class of the valley. Every other team in the League has won a championship in St. Louis more recently than them, except for Evansville. Hell, even Tulsa has. You guys have won 3 championships in St. Louis since WSU's last. Creighton has won 9 championships there since WSU's last. Let them enjoy their moment in the sun.

I can't believe this is still actually being discussed, but a good take on it from a fan of another team.
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