by Deanthonybowdenfan » February 26th, 2013, 1:30 pm
This really is never predictable. Creightons always done good but that was under Altman. We could be a completely different St. Louis team under McDermott, although he did win it last year. Wichita seems logically like the team that should win, but they never do. When it comes to St. Louis, depth is HUGE!! Creightons legs look tired playing a game every 3 days, imagine how they would look by the last day, having to play 3 days in a row. IMO Illinois State has a great chance to win it, and so does ISUB, i just cant see UNI winning it. If Wichita gets to the championship game they should have the advantage with all their depth, but really IMO the top 5 teams in the Valley are all very close in quality, WSU has won a lot of close games and could of very easily been in 3rd or 4th place right now, If I was a betting man Id take the odds and go with ISURED. If ISUR plays WSU my money is definitely on the Birds.