If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

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Do You Still Want to Play Creighton if We Leave the MVC?

Total votes : 41

If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

Postby DoubleJayAlum » March 3rd, 2013, 9:02 am

Regular season is now over, so I'd thought I'd put this out there.

Casey has made his position clear: Hell no. Several UNI posters have been pretty vocal as well, even starting a thread arguing that CU shouldn't be eligible for conference awards (a statement which is so full of irony, considering that UNI had no problems leaving a conference themselves to join the MVC).

Interestingly enough, WSU's Gregg Marshall, without even being asked, said after the game yesterday that if Creighton was leaving, he hoped the series could be continued.

Personally, if CU does leave (which is certainly still an if at this point), I'd still like to see MVC schools on future schedules. There have been some classic bball games with all of the MVC schools. The rivalry argument has taken place with WSU over the years, but I don't think there is any dispute by either side that when it comes to baseball, there is a strong rivalry. A really good rivalry has developed with Drake on the soccer pitch. Volleyball has really heated up lately as well.

Would you like to continue to play Creighton if they leave? Vote and give some comments to explain your position.
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If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?



Re: If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

Postby agrinut » March 3rd, 2013, 9:08 am

DoubleJayAlum wrote:Regular season is now over, so I'd thought I'd put this out there.

Casey has made his position clear: Hell no. Several UNI posters have been pretty vocal as well, even starting a thread arguing that CU shouldn't be eligible for conference awards (a statement which is so full of irony, considering that UNI had no problems leaving a conference themselves to join the MVC).

Interestingly enough, WSU's Gregg Marshall, without even being asked, said after the game yesterday that if Creighton was leaving, he hoped the series could be continued.

Personally, if CU does leave (which is certainly still an if at this point), I'd still like to see MVC schools on future schedules. There have been some classic bball games with all of the MVC schools. The rivalry argument has taken place with WSU over the years, but I don't think there is any dispute by either side that when it comes to baseball, there is a strong rivalry. A really good rivalry has developed with Drake on the soccer pitch. Volleyball has really heated up lately as well.

Would you like to continue to play Creighton if they leave? Vote and give some comments to explain your position.

Easy answer yes, question for Creighton fans. Who would you be willing to play?
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Re: If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

Postby BirdmanBB » March 3rd, 2013, 9:14 am

If jank were still at isu, it could only be on our court. He won't play mid majors on the road.
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Re: If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

Postby Duan » March 3rd, 2013, 9:23 am

BirdmanBB wrote:If jank were still at isu, it could only be on our court. He won't play mid majors on the road.

Do you think that the Big East would be considered a mid-major conference in basketball? I guess I have never heard the media refer to it as such. I certainly don't think of the schools in it currently as mid-major schools. Are you saying that that will change when/if Creighton joins it? I am not saying that you aren't right. I would like to hear all opinions on this.
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Re: If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

Postby DoubleJayAlum » March 3rd, 2013, 9:24 am

Duan wrote:
BirdmanBB wrote:If jank were still at isu, it could only be on our court. He won't play mid majors on the road.

Do you think that the Big East would be considered a mid-major conference in basketball? I guess I have never heard the media refer to it as such. I certainly don't think of the schools in it currently as mid-major schools. Are you saying that that will change when/if Creighton joins it? I am not saying that you aren't right. I would like to hear all opinions on this.

Relax Duan. It was a joke.
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Re: If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

Postby xsaluki » March 3rd, 2013, 9:30 am

I agree on the opposite question, would CU continue any. I say no. They will have eleventy billion extra dollars with tv contracts, movie stars, hair club commercials. I am guessing they will need to play games on the coasts to be able to compete in the arms race for high dollar recruits.
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Re: If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

Postby Deanthonybowdenfan » March 3rd, 2013, 9:33 am

I think rivalries, sadly, are becoming a lost blessing. These games are great for fans and bring out the best competition from each team's players. Now, the question is would the rivalries of today, hold off and still have the feeling of rivalries 10, 20 years from now. For example SIU and CU had a GREAT rivalry for a long time, but if we left the Valley would either team go out of the way to play each other? Is it even a rivalry still? It seems like in an instant, we have replaced SIU for WSU as our rival. That shows maybe how easy it is for the rivalries to change course. CU and WSU have only been rivals for maybe 5 years it seems? maybe i'm wrong. If a team falls off for a while, would the rivalry hold, or simmer away like the SIU-CU rivalry seems to have? Certain rivals always hold, like for CU, Nebraska will always be a rival. For WSU, Kansas will always be a rival, or KSU, it's a shame they wont play.
In my opinion I would love to keep playing WSU cause, as of now, this is a fun rivalry. I love watching us go to Wichita and having them come to Omaha, that kinda stuff is what sports are about. As for your question of which Valley teams I would like to still play to maybe keep some rivalries....well aside from WSU, UNI seems like a good rival, and I respect many Valley schools but to be honest I think just WSU and UNI would be the only two with a chance at a sustained rivalry. And in UNI's case, really UNI hates Creighton a lot more than we hate them, I'm not even sure most Creighton fans think of UNI as a rival, but I do.
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Re: If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

Postby Duan » March 3rd, 2013, 9:34 am

DoubleJayAlum wrote:
Duan wrote:
BirdmanBB wrote:If jank were still at isu, it could only be on our court. He won't play mid majors on the road.

Do you think that the Big East would be considered a mid-major conference in basketball? I guess I have never heard the media refer to it as such. I certainly don't think of the schools in it currently as mid-major schools. Are you saying that that will change when/if Creighton joins it? I am not saying that you aren't right. I would like to hear all opinions on this.

Relax Duan. It was a joke.

I seriously didn't know. I didn't know if any school without football was considered a mid-major and since the whole new Big East would be football-less then...???? But I guess I have my answer now! :)
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Re: If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

Postby glm38 » March 3rd, 2013, 9:37 am

It would be nice to be able to continue the old conference rivalries and I would be all for it. But I just don't see it happening much with any of the remaining Valley schools. Just don't think CU would be willing to do it.
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Re: If Creighton Leaves, Do You Still Want to Play Us?

Postby isumvc1 » March 3rd, 2013, 9:51 am

Sycamores vote yes, but seeing as we are so far away from Omaha I don't see it happening. I am sure some of our olympic sports teams will still meet up, but I doubt we do in men's or women's BB
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