If Creighton goes, as MVC Chris tweeted, one of the biggest losers will be the downtown St. Louis community. They bring thousands every year, and if they leave, does that change the math for the future of the conference tournament?
It almost takes Kansas City out of the running all together, because without Creighton, why would we put it there? If it's only for the benefit of Shocker fans, why not just host it at Intrust in Wichita? Or for that matter, would the conference consider other arena's in cities with MVC teams like Wells Fargo in Des Moines? Possibly the iWireless Center in the Quad Cites would be an option, being a 2 hour drive for Rebird, Braves, Panthers, and Bulldog fans? If we were to add Bellmont or Murray State, would we consider Nashville or Memphis? If Dayton jumps in would Cincinnati or Louisville make sense?
I really hope we never consider hosting it on campus sites, but we might want to start getting creative. A mostly empty Scottrade in a city that is getting a little tired for most MVC fans might not be the best option in a post-Creighton environment.