Ali wrote:What are the chances that we stay at nine? No one seems to like any of the options out there to replace Creighton. I like the Dakotas and get ripped for that. Others like ORU, Denver, Belmont, whoever and all of those ideas are met with anger too.
Why not just stay at 9?
I could see staying at 9, but if we do then we run the risk of being picked apart (see Horizon League). They have not replaced Butler and now could be on the verge of losing several teams.
There aren't any "home run" teams to add to the MVC at the moment. However sitting idly by and watching (as we have in the past) other conferences expand is eventually going to hurt the MVC.
No matter who we add some fans are going to be really mad, while others will be fine, and yet others won't give a hoot. Not gonna please every fanbase. All we can do is sit and wait to see what the MVC presidents decide to do