Bradleyfan1 wrote:Just from my own experience with the 2006 run to the SWEET 16 , I wish I would have been older and soaked it all in! Soak it in Shocks! Not trying to compare the runs because just last yr alone you won 2 more games. Worse competition but still. I TOTALLY COINCIDE THAT THE LAST 10 YRS YOU HAVE KICKED OUR ASS! Puke.
Ok and here is where the crazy but right comes out! The run for the shockers is done! Gregg Marshall i tip my hat to you sir. just between BU,UNI, ISU blue the mighty weatbushes lose 7 games this yr o man thatd bring ya down a peg or 2.
Coincide???? I think the word you were looking for is concede.
I'm guessing you were about 7 years old during that 2006 season?