Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

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Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

Postby Aargh » October 18th, 2013, 10:49 pm

I am not homophobic. I have friends who are gay and I figure their preference for guys is their business and none of my concern, but...

,,,that is one gay Gargoyle - not that there's anything wrong with that.
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Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle



Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

Postby BUDude » October 19th, 2013, 6:47 am

I withhold comment until we see what the actual BU gargoyle mascot looks like.
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Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

Postby Aces44 » October 19th, 2013, 10:41 am

Looks like a TellaTubby gave birth to a Gargolye.
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Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

Postby Bradleyfan1 » October 19th, 2013, 10:51 am

I hope he/she is sporting the Big Sexy "B" on his or her chest and has a sweet cape lol

Loving the idea of lil wings for the kids big and small to wave during the games.

Maybe a Gargoyle Screech...... like the roar of the buffalo for the Bills in the NFL
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Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

Postby Mikovio » October 19th, 2013, 1:46 pm

Haters gon hate! It could be cool. Depends on the final product. Maybe you'll see our hats in some rap videos if they don't go too Disney with it. :dance:

I like these two, although they may give kids nightmares: ... rgoyle.gif
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Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

Postby squirrel » October 19th, 2013, 6:44 pm

This will be Bobcat, Part Two.
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Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

Postby squirrel » October 19th, 2013, 6:47 pm

TheDrake wrote:I thought for sure this was going to be an Onion article.

No, the Onion article will be: School selects manneken pis as its mascot.
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Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

Postby pafan » October 20th, 2013, 9:41 am

We hear these conversations at Ford Center quite a bit in non-conference games:

Visiting Fan: What IS your mascot? I mean, what is he supposed to be?
UE Fan He's our purple pimp.
Visiting Fan: LULWUT?

Bradley will get some of those over the next few years if this mascot comes to be.
sad Evansville alum
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Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

Postby BradleyBrave » October 20th, 2013, 7:55 pm

squirrel wrote:This will be Bobcat, Part Two.

Disagree. The squirrel would have been. This one has a chance to be good.
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Re: Bradley changes mascot to a gargoyle

Postby glm38 » October 21st, 2013, 5:23 am

I'm not going to run down the gargoyle BUT I don't get why Bradley is leaving their name as the Braves but changing the mascot to a gargoyles? I get that the former mascot isn't PC but the name "Braves " is? That makes no sense.
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