Now that the OOC portion of the schedule is about done we've got a better idea of how the year is going to work out.
Can Drake stay hot?
Is Bradley as bad as they've looked in some of their games?
Is MSU going to challenge for a top-3 finish?
Which way are the schizo Panthers going to go in league play?
Here's my latest guess:
1. WSU
2. InSU - I still think they'll pull it together to get this - barely.
3. MSU - If InSU stumbles AT ALL, MSU is looking like #2 - but not how SIU is looking like #2.
4. UNI - I'm giving this to Jacobsen over Giacoletti's miracle with the Bulldogs
5. DU
6. - 7. IlSU - They're better than I thought earlier, but with Middlebrooks out, got huge questions
6. - 7. UE - Stop Balentine = stop the Aces. Stop Balentine and D Mockevicious and UE = Thursday.
8. BU - This could put Geno on a hot seat - particularly with BU's Les supporters.
9. LU - Worse at this point than I was expecting
10. SIU - Unless Barry's wife has some eligibility. She shot fakes and believes size doesn't matter.