MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

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Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

Postby bleach » January 5th, 2014, 5:25 pm

To make things worse.....the Bear fans had the Rambler fans outnumbered.
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Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th



Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

Postby ahunte1 » January 5th, 2014, 5:34 pm

bleach wrote:To make things worse.....the Bear fans had the Rambler fans outnumbered.

No, they didn't.
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Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

Postby DUBulldog » January 5th, 2014, 5:35 pm

agrinut wrote:Credit LUc for having some pride. The Bears look like a bunch of individuals and porous on D. The ramblers played to thier peak today while the Bears played as bad as I've seen this year.

Sounds real similar to what happened to Drake at Bradley last night.
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Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

Postby troutangler » January 5th, 2014, 5:40 pm

Just a complete, total embarrassment if you're a Bears fan. And to think, several of them were predicting a 16-2 or 15-3 Valley record just a few days ago. Lusk filled the roster up and we have quantity but not much quality. Gulley, Marshall, Pickens, and Mouvika could play for anyone in the conference. The rest are either freshman and/or just not very good. Ruder will be fine in a couple years, but the rest of our frosh are not very good.

It all falls back on Lusk though since he still hasn't shown he can recruit a JUCO or D1 transfer forward who can play defense, rebound, or block a shot. Our interior defense and shot blocking ability is as bad as any team in the country.
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Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

Postby troutangler » January 5th, 2014, 5:44 pm

agrinut wrote:Credit LUc for having some pride. The Bears look like a bunch of individuals and porous on D. The ramblers played to thier peak today while the Bears played as bad as I've seen this year.

This year? How about in a decade?
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Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

Postby Rambler63 » January 5th, 2014, 5:51 pm

Wufan wrote:
Rambler63 wrote:
pafan wrote:
Sure would be, if only your RPI wasn't above 300 on account of that murderer's row of a non-con schedule LU put together.

But, if anyone deserve this, it was Missouri State.

Yes we were crappy in non-con. I'm not denying that at all. And yes, our non-con schedule was crap. Yet the non-con schedule was a legacy of previous commitments that were engaged in long before we became a conference member. But for either of two missed going down from a freshman on the line with 10 seconds left, we would have beat Mississippi State on the road, and our RPI would have been around where Bradley's was.

All I wrote in the previous post was that it doesn't do anyone any good to constantly belittle Loyola just for the sake of . We're in the conference, and things would go better for everyone if our entrance wasn't turned into a cause celebre for people with toxicidic negative attitudes. Give us a chance to quickly grow into the conference without unnecessary and unproductive bitching. What good does it do to root for Loyola to bellyflop? Does after-the-fact complaining magically create a time machine where our admission to the conference can be undone?

Thank you.

You get NO honeymoon period! You replaced a ranked MVC team that had more NCAA births than any other school, one that allowed EVERYONE the opportunity for two top 50 wins. Not only that, but they averaged 15000 a game. Will you even get 15000 this year? You had a horrid non-con schedule and you lost a lot of those games. Loyola needs to get their act in gear immediately! I will not appologize for being disappointed. It's as if the homecoming queen dumped me before the dance and I got stuck taking my retarded cousin. Then when she steps on my toes she bitches because I didn't say she looked pretty when I picked her up!

Sounds like your anger should be placed toward Creighton for leaving, or at the very least toward some other longtime member of the conference for not stepping up to replace Creighton's RPI, attendance and SOS-- since 8 MVC teams were in a much better position to do that since April.

Now that we're a member of the MVC, it will be much easier for us to compose a schedule that helps to protect everybody's RPI. Take a look at Horizon League non-con schedules to see what kind of scheduling deals were possible for us before we joined the MVC.

No, we're never going to match Wichita State's attendance, and probably not even Bradley's attendance. Yes, we're a different and unfamiliar animal for MVC fans-- an urban, private school, very few of which are able to take over the imagination of a city that has multiple major league pro sports teams.

It's not our fault that there wasn't a ready-made, successful, high-attendance, basketball-oriented school within the league footprint that was willing to join the MVC. The other alternatives, as I understand it, were Belmont, UIC, Valpo, and UMKC. Denver never considered membership, and Belmont passed. We were not only willing to join, but wildly eager to do so. We paid off the Horizon to get the hell out, and paid admission to join. We made significant future financial commitments to join. We've made substantial facilities upgrades in the multiple tens of millions of dollars to create an infrastructure that was acceptable to the league, with more upgrades on the way. We are academically and financially at or near the top of the conference. We are in a market with the best transportation in the midwest and the largest market size in the midwest.

I'll accept the barbs about how much we sucked in the non-con, and apologize to everyone else in the league as a longtime Loyola fan and graduate. But when it comes to us not "deserving" to join, or being expected to replace Creighton in every respect out of the box, that's just an unfair and unreasonable expectation.
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Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

Postby musiccitybulldog » January 5th, 2014, 5:54 pm

On the road in the Valley is a tough place.
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Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

Postby Wufan » January 5th, 2014, 5:57 pm

Rambler63 wrote:I'll accept the barbs about how much we sucked in the non-con, and apologize to everyone else in the league as a longtime Loyola fan and graduate. But when it comes to us not "deserving" to join, or being expected to replace Creighton in every respect out of the box, that's just an unfair and unreasonable expectation.

No one said you didn't deserve it, but no one is going to root for you until you win some OOC games. Maybe next year.
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Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

Postby Saluki2009 » January 5th, 2014, 6:00 pm

Aw come on guys we need to be nice, these loyola fans are sensitive
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Re: MSU vs Loyola 3 pm Jan 5th

Postby Play Angry » January 5th, 2014, 6:23 pm

Saluki2009 wrote:Aw come on guys we need to be nice, these loyola fans are sensitive

All three of them.
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