What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

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Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

Postby KC MVC FAN » January 23rd, 2014, 4:22 pm

shocktheheart wrote:
TheAsianSensation wrote:The best way to assemble a tournament-worthy resume is to beat quality teams.

Removing Wichita removes the one chance at a quality win.

Removing Wichita from the MVC is a dagger to the at-large hopes of the conference as a whole. The removal of them decreases the chance of an at-large bid, tenfold. No, twentyfold. The removal of Wichita would be catastrophic to the at-large resumes of everyone else. I can't emphasize this enough. CATASTROPHIC. It would be the complete opposite of enhancing the chances of getting 2 teams in the NCAA tournament.

Exactly...just like it would help WSU this year if they had two or three games against Creighton.


First, stop talking about Creighton and what could have been!!!!! They are dead and gone. Everybody getting beat by WSU, conference and tournament, is not going get you get an at large bid. MOVE ALONG!!!!!!!
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Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...



Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

Postby shocktheheart » January 23rd, 2014, 4:26 pm

KC MVC FAN wrote:
shocktheheart wrote:
TheAsianSensation wrote:The best way to assemble a tournament-worthy resume is to beat quality teams.

Removing Wichita removes the one chance at a quality win.

Removing Wichita from the MVC is a dagger to the at-large hopes of the conference as a whole. The removal of them decreases the chance of an at-large bid, tenfold. No, twentyfold. The removal of Wichita would be catastrophic to the at-large resumes of everyone else. I can't emphasize this enough. CATASTROPHIC. It would be the complete opposite of enhancing the chances of getting 2 teams in the NCAA tournament.

Exactly...just like it would help WSU this year if they had two or three games against Creighton.


First, stop talking about Creighton and what could have been!!!!! They are dead and gone. Everybody getting beat by WSU, conference and tournament, is not going get you get an at large bid. MOVE ALONG!!!!!!!

Do you know how to build a tournament resume? If WSU does leave, do you think the players in the MVC will suddenly get better? The prestige if this conference goes down a little bit when you start taking away the Creighton's of the world and if you take WSU out it will go down a little bit more. Before you know it, the conference is hovering around 15 in the RPI and conferences in that range normally don't get two bids.
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Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

Postby rlh04d » January 23rd, 2014, 4:29 pm

Again, KC is a troll.
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Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

Postby KC MVC FAN » January 23rd, 2014, 5:18 pm

shocktheheart wrote:
KC MVC FAN wrote:I COPIED THIS FROM THE TOPIC: " Is this the worst the Valley has ever been?
Postby rlh04d » January 22nd, 2014, 9:16 pm
It's absolutely the biggest gap between the top team and the rest. Probably since Bird.
It's all the Loyola/Creighton swap. This would be an amazing Valley season with Creighton. It's a very bad season with Loyola."

If this forum wasn't sad in several places, it would be hilarious. Creighton is gone and Loyola is a new member---but's all Loyola and Creighton's fault.

Sorry, but need to look inside to everyone (except WSU or now Loyola) to place the blame for the MVC status.

Best course for the MVC is to ask WSU to PLEASE! PLEASE, PLEEAAASEEE leave the MVC. What would that do
1. Level the conference.
2. Create another slot for another new member--a school nearer the remainder MVC level of play and status(NO, I am not recommending UMKC or anyone else).
3. I am not a stats-RPI-SOS fan but I would have to expect/suppose everyone's numbers, Win/losses, RPI, SOS???? etc. wound have to improve if the totally dominating team(s)--- Creighton and now WSU-- were no longer around.
4. Open the possibility of a second MVC NCAA tournament bid (will still get a conference tourney champ automatic bid--plus a better shot at an at large bid.

Something else to consider---what happens if MSU decides to leave the MVC for another football conference--as several MVC posters have speculated/reported. Hey, I am a SMS/MSU old timer---but MSU leaving the MVC won't really hurt MVC BB---MSU hasn't been a really good or consistent BB team since Coach Spoonhour left for SLU 15 or so years ago.

If you can't get a second bid with WSU in the conference now...how would you get a second bid with them gone?

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Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

Postby KC MVC FAN » January 23rd, 2014, 5:20 pm

shocktheheart wrote:
KC MVC FAN wrote:Same way you could hope for a second NCAA bid now---1. The MVC tournament Champ gets the automatic bid. 2. The conference regular season champ gets beat in the MVC tournament and has a sufficiently strong record to garner an at large bid. Without WSU to beat up on everyone, hopefully a couple of teams could rise to the top from the masses. MVC would still be a top 12-15 conference without WSU--maybe as all other conference teams rebuild their records with no double losses to a dominating conference team, i.e., WSU, they could retain the number 11 or so ranking. I think something drastic would have to happen to see the conference rise to a 10 or 9 ranking---too many good conferences and teams today!

WSU, at least last year, this year, and till sometime in the future, has outgrown the MVC (same same as Creighton) . Continued WSU success brings WSU greater recruiting appeal.

So how is this second team going to build a good enough resume to warrant an at large bid?

ANOTHER DUMB QUESTION!!!!!!!!!! ALREADY ANSWERED. In fact should not have needed an answer to anyone who knew anything about sports, teams and had some idea how to build a winning team. All it takes is a good coach, good players, and a supportive organization. But, to be really, really good team, i.e., WSU this year and last, it takes an extra good coach, extra good players, and an extra good organization--especially one that wants to win. Standing still is moving backwards!
Last edited by KC MVC FAN on January 23rd, 2014, 5:28 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

Postby KC MVC FAN » January 23rd, 2014, 5:22 pm

rlh04d wrote:Again, KC is a troll.

ANOTHER SMART COMMENT FROM rlh04d. But, what do we expect!!!!
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Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

Postby KC MVC FAN » January 23rd, 2014, 5:42 pm


Don't think GOD is into basketball. When Creighton was in the MVC I think the POPE was a big fan!
Last edited by KC MVC FAN on January 23rd, 2014, 5:46 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

Postby Wufan » January 23rd, 2014, 5:45 pm

You're right KC. Thanks for sharing. Here's a nice pat on your back, and now this nice young lady is going to take you back to your room. Thanks for the $5.00 in the birthday card and we'll come visit real soon.
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Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

Postby KC MVC FAN » January 23rd, 2014, 5:53 pm

Wufan wrote:You're right KC. Thanks for sharing. Here's a nice pat on your back, and now this nice young lady is going to take you back to your room. Thanks for the $5.00 in the birthday card and we'll come visit real soon.


If you can't refute or debate intelligently why waste your time making dumb comments.

WuFan. Just who is your team. I always assumed i'ts WSU--you know Wu--Wichita University. If so, why are you knocking me. If not a Shocker, then I will overlook your frequent dumb comments!
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Re: What if Creighton was still in the Valley...

Postby SHOXMVC » January 23rd, 2014, 6:02 pm

KC MVC FAN wrote:You'al get real. Hey guys, this is not rocket science. Stay where you are at--everybody getting whopped by WSU--WSU getting better and better with greater recruiting capabilities, your crying and wring your hands because no one can gets better--WSU and others policing all the good recruits--only one NCAA bid every year, etc. I had the impression the posters on this forum were for the most part real BB fans and knew something about the game---changing my mind--appears most are math heads quoting some else's number and stats. How do you build your team----1. better recruiting---but already talked around lower MVC ranking and sinking stats with one dominating team (WSU) adversely effecting everyone else's recruiting .---2. Better coaching--if your coach is getting the job done get rid him. 3. Win some games--a few or lot more than you lose. And for emphasis--everyone get whopped two game all the time is not going to build the conference.

BYE BYE WSU. Good luck and continue doing good things in some other conference.!!!

Isn't field day over and time for you to return to the CMHC.
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