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Re: WSU at ISU

Postby jwa123 » January 24th, 2014, 10:59 am

You may be right about the backboard. That was an impressive dunk to see. Maybe someday one of our 5'10" guys can do that but I'm not going to hold my breath waiting for that to happen. :o
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Re: WSU at ISU



Re: WSU at ISU

Postby shocktheheart » January 24th, 2014, 1:10 pm

Aces1982 wrote:
shocktheheart wrote:
SeeRed wrote:Us students really turned out for this game! Should be a great atmosphere.

Superbowl for every Valley team this year when WSU is on the road.

I don't understand the Super Bowl comment. Who cares. The biggest conference game on the schedule has been Creighton for years. I never remember crying about other teams Super Bowl. Just go play the game. This year Wichita is biggest conference game on other teams schedule., I don't understand why it is brought up every game. In a few years, it may be SIU or Illinois St. I don't get the fascination of announcing it every time Wichita plays.

Good luck in this game.

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Re: WSU at ISU

Postby isuredbirds92 » January 25th, 2014, 11:14 am

jwa123 wrote:It was one plastic ball. Not more than one. It came from the student section and promptly and properly the officials had it announced that if it happened again there would be a technical adminstered to ISUr.

I did not like it when it happened but I can't account what goes through the head of a 18 year old either. I'm glad the officials took charge of the situation immediately.

The notion that there was a plethora of plastic balls thrown is just as false as the notion that last year coins were tossed at the WSU team when it left the court. I was there and close when they left the court and no coins were tossed. I saw no coins and the WSU team was not ducking and covering their heads like they were being pelted with coins or anything else for that matter.

As the saying goes, you are entitled to your opinion but you are not entitled to your own version of the facts.

It was definitely two. But regardless it was embarrassing and yes they came from the student section.
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