WSU got a few bad calls, as did Evansville, the refs were calling some ticky-tack stuff. When they do that, it happens. The no calls, were far and away benefiting Evansville.
The offense they ran was almost purely based on multiple moving screens to get one player free. If more than token calls had been made on that, then Evansville would have fared far worse on the foul side. They just kept doing it even after the fouls and the refs simply stopped calling them. Much like SIU's slappy defense of years ago. When I'd been following Balentine, most of the times he was actually open, there should have been a foul a bit before that, because the screener was moving in most of those cases.
Don't whine about the refs if your team does that.
Also, don't act like you never did anything when you get called. It seemed like every single call Evansville was acting like that. There was one player who had a definite right to that today, where they called a foul on Early, and he wasn't there. (It was mentioned and reviewed, and Lufile got the foul.)
Don't get me started on the flops today. If you are going to flop, take Remedial Acting 101 first.