Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

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Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

Postby A_Shocker » February 1st, 2014, 8:48 pm

WSU got a few bad calls, as did Evansville, the refs were calling some ticky-tack stuff. When they do that, it happens. The no calls, were far and away benefiting Evansville.

The offense they ran was almost purely based on multiple moving screens to get one player free. If more than token calls had been made on that, then Evansville would have fared far worse on the foul side. They just kept doing it even after the fouls and the refs simply stopped calling them. Much like SIU's slappy defense of years ago. When I'd been following Balentine, most of the times he was actually open, there should have been a foul a bit before that, because the screener was moving in most of those cases.

Don't whine about the refs if your team does that.

Also, don't act like you never did anything when you get called. It seemed like every single call Evansville was acting like that. There was one player who had a definite right to that today, where they called a foul on Early, and he wasn't there. (It was mentioned and reviewed, and Lufile got the foul.)

Don't get me started on the flops today. If you are going to flop, take Remedial Acting 101 first. :roll:
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Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers



Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

Postby wsushox1 » February 1st, 2014, 9:04 pm

Shoxfan11 wrote:That continuation call that Baker got might have even been worse than the continuation Early got in the Final Four.

Both of the calls were the correct interpretation of the rule.
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Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

Postby purple&orange » February 1st, 2014, 9:06 pm

Wichita going full court during the last 10 minutes of the 1st half is what was the biggest difference. Evansville struggled at times to break the press, giving up transition points off of turnovers which cut the 15 point lead quickly. The only thing about the officiating I'll say is this, Evansville does not have the depth to be able to maintain long stretches of success with 3-4 starters having to sit with 2 fouls. So if Mock picks up a cheap foul on a poor call it is much more penal than if any WSU player had the same thing happened because they have superior depth. If you watch enough games you'll have a couple where you scratch your head at what they saw/didn't see, it's part of sports.

The start was the perfect storm for UE, going 8-8 from the field while Wichita was struggling. We can debate talent all day but in short segments, in this case 8-10 minutes it looked like Evansville was the ranked team due to their execution, getting to loose balls, etc. The best way I can think of it is this, I like to play golf (go somewhere else winter) and if I play well can make a run at breaking 80 and if you put me on the course with Tiger, Mickelson, and Rory I have no chance, however on a par 3 from 150 yards, I just might hit the best shot of the group and I might even be able to beat them individually on a hole or two, but over the course of the round their talent will play out and comparing scorecards would not be pretty for me.

Wichita is a fine team that in my opinion has the look of a sure 2nd weekend team, with the potential of going further. People want to knock this league as a cakewalk for WSU, however they were tested today, at least being down 15 at some point defines that for me. As for my Aces, I'm optimistic as to what they can become. They battled today, took a punch and didn't sulk, continued to play and show some of the flashes that make me believe they can be a really good team, it just won't be this season.
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Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

Postby Wufan » February 1st, 2014, 9:22 pm

wsushox1 wrote:
Shoxfan11 wrote:That continuation call that Baker got might have even been worse than the continuation Early got in the Final Four.

Both of the calls were the correct interpretation of the rule.

Lesson here:

If you want to stop a Shocker from getting to the rim, foul him really, really hard.
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Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

Postby acepurple84 » February 2nd, 2014, 10:59 am

We were beat by a superior team. Period. I am glad they were able to keep it under 20 at Koch. do I thing WSU will win the valley and tourney. Yes. Will they go undefeated. they certainly are good enough. Odds of going undefeated though you have to admit is tough. I hope they are able to go further this year. I hope we can get more than WSU in the dance. Maybe, maybe not. I feel we showed, at least for the for 12 mins we are not a pushover.
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Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

Postby Ricardo del Rio » February 2nd, 2014, 12:45 pm

Ace Dad wrote:
Ricardo del Rio wrote:
sect.3purple wrote:______________________________________________________________________________________________
Why? Can't take your refs with you?

I give the Shockers credit for being a very good team....I have watched them play all year, when possible. I will not give them credit for winning this game with their normal skilled play...this win was, indeed, as much a result of the reffing as it was WSU's admittedly-good play.

My Aces have a long way to go to be as good a team as the Shockers, but today they played as well and had to combat bad calls, calls that kept our guys on the bench, calls that sent Shockers to the free throw line, and calls that simply were uncalled on our end of the floor.....no one is saying UE is better than the Shockers...but it would have been a truer test had the refs not teamed up with the home team.

Please stop. You sound like the Purple Teenager.

There were many reasons that the Aces lost today, not just one reason.

I will give you just one of the reasons for the loss - Player Simmons and the rest of the white guys running around out there with him.


This is my meaning. On balance, African American players are more athletic and skilled than white players. A quick examination of the NBA and NFL rosters will confirm this notion.

I am not afraid to discuss player abilities in this context because I believe it to be true. Of course, there will always be some who will claim that I am making a racist argument.

While many extoll the abilities of player Simmons, I am not in that crowd. He is slow, lacks quickness and is a poor defender. Perhaps he will grow into a Larry Bird, but I don't think so. I was wrong about Prince Korver and Tim Duncan, so I could be wrong again.

There is truth in the expression, "White men can't jump."

If you knew my history relative who raised me, experiences as a professional and personal life, you would never insinuate, even in the most tactful way, that I am a racist in any context. If they were alive today, I would suggest you talk to Mary Cubit, Helen Swann, Lonnie Odem, Willie Woods and Preacher Man.

I will say this. I regret my post because most readers probably thought I crossed the line of civility and propriety. So in this context, I made a mistake.
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Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

Postby Veritas » February 2nd, 2014, 1:03 pm

That's funny stuff...
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Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

Postby ACECARD » February 2nd, 2014, 2:26 pm

Don't worry little Ricky. You just join a long list of WSU posters that cross the line of civility every time they post.
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Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

Postby aceslifer » February 2nd, 2014, 3:47 pm

FOR ALL YOU BASHING PLAYER SIMMONS, HE IS THE MVC LEADING FROSH PLAYER AVERING 31 MINS, 9.1 PPG, .424 SHOOTING, .873 FT PERCENTAGE, AND .422 IN 3PT SHOOTING. this puts in the leading Tru frosh in the league(Doyle at Loyola is 20yrs old and a transfer). Next best true frosh is Ruder from Missouri St., with near stats to simmons..So be careful who you bash, no other team can claim a frosh with those stats.
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Re: Evansville Aces At WSU Shockers

Postby Haha » February 2nd, 2014, 4:28 pm

Not too many teams need to play a freshman 31 minutes a game.
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