Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

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Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

Postby Cdizzle » June 25th, 2014, 1:27 pm

Championz wrote:
CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Pretty cool. And one of the best things is that I am sure all of those Wichita State boys signed autographs for everybody. Something that snobbish KU, KSU, and MU athletes wouldn't do I bet. You have an obligation to do so I would say.

If only MSU had players to be in such a dire position.

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Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.



Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

Postby BEARZ77 » July 18th, 2014, 8:09 pm

Aargh wrote:
CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Pretty cool. And one of the best things is that I am sure all of those Wichita State boys signed autographs for everybody. Something that snobbish KU, KSU, and MU athletes wouldn't do I bet. You have an obligation to do so I would say.

Missouri State players wouldn't have to worry about that, because no one would recognize them...oh, WAIT! MSU didn't get invited to an MSU day by the MLB team in their home state.

Sorry "aargh" but Sat is MSU Alumni day at Busch Stadium with Kansas own Jackie Stiles by way of MSU throwing out the 1st ball and the Bear Band playing the national anthem for 40,000 plus at the Cardinal/Dodger game. Came about 3 weeks after our day at Royals Stadium. Not sure how you missed all that :huh:
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Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

Postby glm38 » July 19th, 2014, 6:36 am

BEARZ77 wrote:
Aargh wrote:
CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Pretty cool. And one of the best things is that I am sure all of those Wichita State boys signed autographs for everybody. Something that snobbish KU, KSU, and MU athletes wouldn't do I bet. You have an obligation to do so I would say.

Missouri State players wouldn't have to worry about that, because no one would recognize them...oh, WAIT! MSU didn't get invited to an MSU day by the MLB team in their home state.

Sorry "aargh" but Sat is MSU Alumni day at Busch Stadium with Kansas own Jackie Stiles by way of MSU throwing out the 1st ball and the Bear Band playing the national anthem for 40,000 plus at the Cardinal/Dodger game. Came about 3 weeks after our day at Royals Stadium. Not sure how you missed all that :huh:

Always a fun event. Our youngest son is one of the MSU band kids performing at the game. We are pretty proud of him.
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Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

Postby iSASO » July 19th, 2014, 8:17 pm

Looking forward to wearing the special KC / Shockers ball cap to the game next Sunday...along with my Final Fours shirt. Maybe I could sub in the Perfect Season shirt instead. So many choices.
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Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » July 20th, 2014, 7:03 pm

BEARZ77 wrote:
Aargh wrote:
CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:
Sorry "aargh" but Sat is MSU Alumni day at Busch Stadium with Kansas own Jackie Stiles by way of MSU throwing out the 1st ball and the Bear Band playing the national anthem for 40,000 plus at the Cardinal/Dodger game. Came about 3 weeks after our day at Royals Stadium. Not sure how you missed all that :huh:

It was a great atmosphere at Busch yesterday. I thought it was awesome that our Final Four guard who threw out the first pitch was graciously willing to satisfy every single autograph or picture request. And I watched her all game and after the game too. Contrast that with another Final Four guard from rural Kansas that plays for another school in this conference and his refusal to sign autographs for adoring fans who would have given anything just to get his signature or pic. But I digress, I could post a whole lot more that would really make a certain school look bad in terms of player conduct in comparison but I digress. Fun game in St. Louis and a really nice turnout.
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Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » July 20th, 2014, 7:11 pm

Aargh wrote:
CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Pretty cool. And one of the best things is that I am sure all of those Wichita State boys signed autographs for everybody. Something that snobbish KU, KSU, and MU athletes wouldn't do I bet. You have an obligation to do so I would say.

Missouri State players wouldn't have to worry about that, because no one would recognize them...oh, WAIT! MSU didn't get invited to an MSU day by the MLB team in their home state.

I think you missed the sarcasm in my post. At the WSU event at the K a few weeks ago, Ron Baker apparently refused several autograph and picture requests and was pretty disinterested in interacting with his fans.
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Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

Postby moshock » July 20th, 2014, 8:26 pm

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:
Aargh wrote:
CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Pretty cool. And one of the best things is that I am sure all of those Wichita State boys signed autographs for everybody. Something that snobbish KU, KSU, and MU athletes wouldn't do I bet. You have an obligation to do so I would say.

Missouri State players wouldn't have to worry about that, because no one would recognize them...oh, WAIT! MSU didn't get invited to an MSU day by the MLB team in their home state.

I think you missed the sarcasm in my post. At the WSU event at the K a few weeks ago, Ron Baker apparently refused several autograph and picture requests and was pretty disinterested in interacting with his fans.

It's pretty comical what you spew as facts sometimes. Ron didn't have time to sign autographs because he was having a meeting with some higher ups in another conference. As it turns out, He ended up delivering a sealed envelope with a secret invitation to our AD.
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Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

Postby Wufan » July 20th, 2014, 8:29 pm

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:
Aargh wrote:
CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Pretty cool. And one of the best things is that I am sure all of those Wichita State boys signed autographs for everybody. Something that snobbish KU, KSU, and MU athletes wouldn't do I bet. You have an obligation to do so I would say.

Missouri State players wouldn't have to worry about that, because no one would recognize them...oh, WAIT! MSU didn't get invited to an MSU day by the MLB team in their home state.

I think you missed the sarcasm in my post. At the WSU event at the K a few weeks ago, Ron Baker apparently refused several autograph and picture requests and was pretty disinterested in interacting with his fans.

Ron Baker signs dozens of autographs everyday. There was one instance of a girl that asked for his autograph while he was on his way somewhere and he POLITELY declined. Not sure why, but I'm also not sure why you are obsessed with this story. He actually signed a ton of autographs while at the K.
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Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

Postby CaseyGarrisonforPrez » July 20th, 2014, 9:29 pm

Wufan, I don't think anyone is making that big of a deal out of it. It is worth noting though that it made big news on the Shocker forums though. It was clear that his behavior had irritated a good portion of them.

Regardless he is just a kid and I sure that his celebrity status gives him a big head from time to time. That's normal. I am sure that he has been spoken to about what happened at Kauffman and that he will use it as a learning experience.
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Re: Wichita State Day at KC Royals Game.

Postby mvcfan » July 20th, 2014, 9:46 pm

CaseyGarrisonforPrez wrote:Wufan, I don't think anyone is making that big of a deal out of it. It is worth noting though that it made big news on the Shocker forums though. It was clear that his behavior had irritated a good portion of them.

Regardless he is just a kid and I sure that his celebrity status gives him a big head from time to time. That's normal. I am sure that he has been spoken to about what happened at Kauffman and that he will use it as a learning experience.

If Casey wasn't anonymous, can you imagine how many former acquaintances/maybe even friends would write in about what a jerk/maybe dork he is in real life? His girl friends would all be ugly, his friends would denounce him, his parents and siblings would shun him, his neighbors would throw things at him, the police would ticket him for his bad driving, his boss would fire him, and other MSU fans would do just what they are now and not want to claim him as one of their own. However, his mom and sisters would still have intimate relations with him.
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