3 MVC men advance to NCAA CC meet!

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3 MVC men advance to NCAA CC meet!

Postby isumvc1 » November 15th, 2014, 8:55 am

congrats to Sam (Loyola), Brogan (Drake) and John (Indiana State) for making the NCAA meet, it's next Saturday at Indiana State again

http://www.mvc-sports.com/cc/news/2014- ... GdpI75NtMI
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3 MVC men advance to NCAA CC meet!



Re: 3 MVC men advance to NCAA CC meet!

Postby isumvc1 » November 23rd, 2014, 5:27 pm

John Mascari (Indiana State) places 8th and earns all american honors again

Sam Penzenstadler (Loyola) was 104th

Brogan Austin (Drake) was 137th

so not a bad day for the MVC at the NCAA CC championships.

Mascari is a junior, Sam and Brogan are seniors

Meet is at Louisville in 2015, then back to Indiana State in 2016
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