Bmarq04 wrote:JFC!!!
I am an ISUr fan and am disappointed that we gave away the game after being up 12 halfway thru the second half. No excuse no matter who you're playing. DM is still in his 3rd year and is still learning. I still give him time. He needs to teach the guys to finish games like this. They're still kids and don't know what it takes to finish off a top 20 opponent on their own. If he can't get that done, he'll never get over the hump. He is getting talented players who play hard and are showing some improvements, but just as their execution is on them, his execution is on him.
To the ISUr posters bitching and moaning about IQ and who is classless - STFU!!!
As I read thru these pages on this thread I didn't look at names of posters but couldn't believe how many whiny bitch posts I saw. We lost. The other team(s) might throw that in our face. Even though we didn't wear short pants yesterday and participate in the contest in question, being a fan of a losing team, you'll get those comments. Learn to deal with them and respond appropriately. Trying to fight like hell on the small, irrevalent details makes you look like a bitter POS.
You say "every fan base has them" when referring to WSU, UNI, etc - and every fan base does - but right now, you're being "them" for us. I know you're better than that. Put the loss behind you and bring your A game back to the board please.
Two thumbs up, way up!