SHOXMVC wrote:Khan4Cats wrote:SHOXMVC wrote:Great game UNI. They were by far the better team today and Jake was by far the better coach. No, the torch isn't passed by the result of one game. When UNI goes a season and a half without losing, or is in first place consistently for a couple of years or more, then let's talk. I love UNI's team, and I always have (except for the lame coaching of the flop method of defense). Keep winning Panthers!!!
Don't go off on the 'flopping' claim until you look at your own team trying it a few times today.
Get a clue about your reputation for flopping. Unless you have been under a rock for a few years it's universally known UNI flops. It's the only thing about UNI I don't like. Classy coach, players and fan base. But stop drinking the kool-aid in relation to the flop argument.
We'd love to be enlightened. Normally when making a claim it's universally known that you should provide proof to support it. I'd love to see some examples of where UNI flops in a manner that other teams abstain from. Taking charges are the only thing I notice UNI do that can even be remotely construed as "flopping" and that's a weak argument. Every D-I team knows the rules for a block/charge and everyone uses it at one time or another.