I like the team he put on the floor. I like the way they played hard. I liked their hustle. I liked their athleticism. I liked their talent.
Muller took some recruiting risks. Had to deal with some criminal behavior, some non-qualifiers, and a HUGE risk with Teddy Hawkins, who was a great prospect for never being eligible for a D1 basketball game.
Muller took that group of risky, but athletic and talented, recruits and turned out a pretty fair team. There were few who thought the IlSU roster would ever produce a workable team effort, but for the most part, IlSU put a team - not 5 individuals - on the court.
As far as I'm concerned, Muller could crawl under a rock and never come out, but he put a pretty fair product on the court. It looks like he should have a better on-court product next year.
If Muller keeps improving IlSU's on-court performance, IlSU could emerge as a consistent front-runner in the Valley.
I think UNI has established itself as a consistent front-runner. If IlSU could join UNI and WSU at the top of the league, that would be great for the Valley.
With Muller's ties to IlSU, it's possible he could be a long-term coach at IlSU, which would add to IlSU's ability to maintain a top-tier team.
I don't like Muller, but I like what he's done for IlSU.