Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

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Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

Postby ShoxNAwe » March 4th, 2016, 10:54 pm

Congrats to Coach Lansing and his team!
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Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr



Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

Postby Bball Junkie » March 4th, 2016, 10:58 pm

Illinois St to the CBI or CIT? That was a bit of Karma for chanting NIT at WSU during their game today.
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Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

Postby Shockerfan13 » March 4th, 2016, 11:07 pm

Lol Silly Redbirds.....they thought they could....but they didn't.

What amazing athletes though......

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Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

Postby ShoxINDST » March 4th, 2016, 11:58 pm

Great win tonight get to support shockers and sycamores tomorrow!
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Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

Postby PantherSigEp » March 5th, 2016, 12:17 am

1 missed FT away. Cmon Sycs, why did you have to ruin it?
[Insert snappy comeback]
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Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

Postby ShoxINDST » March 5th, 2016, 12:32 am

Heck we haven't played like that in almost 2 months. A win is a win for the sycamores!
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Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

Postby Rollbird5 » March 5th, 2016, 3:13 am

Another fun time at ArchMadness, well at least until about 8:40 or so :Bam: Got to interact with a lot of different fans from other schools which is always one of the best parts of going down for the tourney. Me and my dad got to sit next to and get to know a great group of shocker fans thursday and friday (besides one other cranky guy in separate group but that's a whole other story). Sucked that we played awful but congrats to indiana state on the win and good luck to the rest of the teams still left hopefully there will be some entertaining games. I have a flight to Arizona in 4 hours so hopefully the warm weather, cubs baseball, and chillin by the pool gets me in a better mood. :Cheers:

Couple good pics of our group
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Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

Postby LanceShock » March 5th, 2016, 7:13 am

Good to see you were able to enjoy spending some time with some Shocker fans. Definitely not how you guys wanted the tournament to end.

Can't say I'm that sorry the Shocks won't have to play you though ;)
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Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

Postby ShoxINDST » March 5th, 2016, 8:25 am

For sure! Illinois state had a heck of a second half of the season. Good luck next year!
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Re: Arch Madness - Friday evening games MSU/UE, ISUb/ISUr

Postby ilstubirds250 » March 5th, 2016, 9:14 am

Congrats, Sycs!

As far as Illinois state....woof.
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