Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

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Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

Postby Ricardo del Rio » May 8th, 2016, 3:07 pm

PantherSigEp wrote:Sometimes I miss CaseyGarrison4Prez

Here is my snappy comeback: Two thumbs up, way up!
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Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West



Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

Postby BEARZ77 » May 8th, 2016, 4:14 pm

Wufan wrote:
BEARZ77 wrote:
ShoxNAwe wrote:Yes, this isn't about ego. It's about improving your lot in life, like looking for a better job than the one you have. Who here would deny someone that right or ridicule someone for trying?

Maybe those who celebrate the day they were invited to join the MVC as one of the greatest days in the history of their University should stand down and let others test their limits and explore their own new heights.

Maybe a few WSU posters [not all] should go back and review comments made when Creighton explored and then acted on moving, or threads about other programs considering moves in order to step up in football. I agree that WSU should explore every possible avenue, timing is everything, and what better time for them. Just don't play both sides of the argument about how it's stupid and folly when other schools look for opportunities but something to be applauded when WSU does and if a negative opinion is floated, it's all about jealousy.

Again I think WSU should pursue any option they have the resources to make work, makes sense at this point and time.

But the MSU sealed envelope stuff was ridiculous. And looking for an invite to the Sunbelt? Those two things were over the top funny way beyond the legitimacy of the claims.

That's just one instance; certainly the Creighton case was both credible and substantive, but you still see WSU posters ridicule their move. And while that particular case[ MSU/SunBelt] was the folly of a couple over zealous posters, the issue of MSU and other Valley Football programs looking to explore options has taken heat. My point is just that every school has every right and should explore any possibilities they see in their best interests and if you are going to comment about them, at least be consistent in your view. That doesn't mean all moves are equal, just that the process of exploring options is either one you support or one you don't.
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Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

Postby glm38 » May 8th, 2016, 5:17 pm

Ricardo del Rio wrote:
PantherSigEp wrote:Sometimes I miss CaseyGarrison4Prez

Here is my snappy comeback: Two thumbs up, way up!

I.miss him too. Funny guy even though it seemed to be unintentional most of the time. I miss baller/championz too. Although I may be in the minority on the latter.
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Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

Postby Wufan » May 8th, 2016, 7:56 pm

BEARZ77 wrote:
Wufan wrote:
But the MSU sealed envelope stuff was ridiculous. And looking for an invite to the Sunbelt? Those two things were over the top funny way beyond the legitimacy of the claims.

That's just one instance; certainly the Creighton case was both credible and substantive, but you still see WSU posters ridicule their move. And while that particular case[ MSU/SunBelt] was the folly of a couple over zealous posters, the issue of MSU and other Valley Football programs looking to explore options has taken heat. My point is just that every school has every right and should explore any possibilities they see in their best interests and if you are going to comment about them, at least be consistent in your view. That doesn't mean all moves are equal, just that the process of exploring options is either one you support or one you don't.

I really don't remember ridiculing CU for looking to go to the Big East, but probably there was a couple posters.
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Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

Postby BEARZ77 » May 9th, 2016, 7:24 am

You probably didn't, and those who did certainly can voice what they want. I just found it funny that now that WSU is taking an active stance in looking at opportunities, there is a whole different expectation on how that should be perceived by some. Again I think WSU should pursue every opportunity and make whatever decision serves them best. Every Institution has to act on their own behalf and what their vision for themselves is. I never understood why WSU didn't make a move back in the day when all the other major metro MVC teams did like Cinn/Louisville/SLU/Memphis.
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Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

Postby PurpleAcesFootball » May 9th, 2016, 8:41 am

Five years ago, perhaps the MWC and MVC were on equal footing. I hate to admit it, but the Mountain West has passed the MVC, and does not look to step back at all. So I can't blame WSU for looking in that direction - figuratively and literally - I assumed they would look more East or South at the CUSA, Sun Belt, or AAC.

My two big questions - going from no football to Big Boy BCS football, bypassing FCS, is a huge jump. I would have expected more of a 3 year FCS with their MVFC brethren, followed by a conference switch.

The other question is whether or not the MW would let Hawaii go for Wichita. Hawaii is a football only member to make 12 teams. I'm sure conference schools sell their recruits on a trip to Hawaii as a potential benefit. No offense, but a chance to play in Wichita doesn't have the same luster.
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Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

Postby SubGod22 » May 9th, 2016, 11:58 am

A number of MWC fans are throwing the idea around that the MWC would help Hawaii go independent but agree to scheduling x amount of games with them in order to make it easier to add a team or three. Also, with new rumors of the XII looking west could open up a spot or two in the MWC if it happens.

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Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

Postby MoValley John » May 10th, 2016, 12:34 pm

Bottom line: Missouri State got ridiculed because it was over the top and ridiculous. Polo shirts, secret meetings, black helicopters, manila envelopes, on and on. By the way, I think those manila envelopes were hermedically sealed and kept in a mayonnaise jar on Funk and Wagnalls' porch. No one knows the contents of those envelopes.

On the contrary, while Creighton fans were excited about the possibility, no Creighton fans claimed it was a done deal until... it was a done deal. Likewise, no Wichita State fans are claiming MWC, AAC or Big East, they are simply opining the possibilities. UNI fans, along with Redbird fans have thought about a possible move to the MAC, nobody berates them for dreaming or wishing.

Only Missouri State fans, Casey in particular, have come to a conference board and floated cloak and dagger stories about tip secret, clandestine meetings, that have Missouri State signed, sealed and delivered to C-USA and then the Sun Belt. I still chuckle.
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Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

Postby BEARZ77 » May 10th, 2016, 5:11 pm

MoValley John wrote:On the contrary, while Creighton fans were excited about the possibility, no Creighton fans claimed it was a done deal until... it was a done deal.

And yet they took heat and continue to take heat from some; which of course was the main point being made in contrast to WSU.
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Re: Report: Wichita State has contacted Mountain West

Postby MoValley John » May 10th, 2016, 11:16 pm

BEARZ77 wrote:
MoValley John wrote:On the contrary, while Creighton fans were excited about the possibility, no Creighton fans claimed it was a done deal until... it was a done deal.

And yet they took heat and continue to take heat from some; which of course was the main point being made in contrast to WSU.

How did or do they take heat? From Shocker fans? Not really if you are speaking heat for fan behavior regarding Creighton's possible move to the Big East. The Crap Shocker fans spewed Creighton's way has little to do with anything outside of a rivalry and hatred.

Shocker fans don't like Creighton, not in the Valley, not in the Big East. All that said, just about every Shocker fan completely understands Creighton move to the Big East. Shocker fans completely understand how Creighton fans behaved prior to the announcement of the move to the Big East. Do Shocker fans like the fact that Creighton got a get out of jail free card? Hell no! Do Shocker fans think Creighton deserved the get it of jail free card over themselves? Again, hell no! Do they now, and did they then, understand the excitement Creighton fans has of the possibility of moving? Hell yes! Shocker fans just hate Creighton and want them to fail whether it be in the Valley or the Big East.

That said, Shocker fans didn't jump on Creighton fans because some sweater vested doucher was floating bogus rumours about secret meetings, sealed manila envelopes and Funk and Wagnal's porch! Creighton fans never saw a courier delier a package, assume it was an invitation, and post their thoughts on this board as fact. Neither are Shocker fans doing that now. Shocker fans just hate Creighton and spewed exactly what you would expect a rival to spew.
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