Shockers in Canada

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Re: Shockers in Canada

Postby tribecalledquest » August 11th, 2016, 8:35 am

Ricardo del Rio wrote:
tribecalledquest wrote:

I actually watched the second half and talked to two people at the game. One neutral and one associated with McGill. The neutral observer said the officiating wasn't good but Gregg totally embarrassed himself and everyone in the arena was shocked. The McGill person said he had never seen anything like it at any level.

You seem obsessed with this topic.

Nope. I just happened to know people who were at the game. I realize having opinions from the "other side" of the story could be frowned up however :)
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Re: Shockers in Canada



Re: Shockers in Canada

Postby unipanther99 » August 11th, 2016, 8:37 am

If I had been officiating this contest, the game would have been over. I applaud the officials for showing incredible restraint and poise. They are not paid well enough to have to be subjected to this kind of outburst. McGill didn't deserve this either.

This story is still filling my newsfeed and has now been picked up by non-sports national news outlets. It's embarrassing. He's a great coach, he's built something truly amazing at WSU, but this kind of stuff isn't good for the sport.
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Re: Shockers in Canada

Postby Snaggletooth » August 11th, 2016, 8:56 am

unipanther99 wrote:If I had been officiating this contest, the game would have been over. I applaud the officials for showing incredible restraint and poise.

Lol drama queen. YouTube is full of epic coaching meltdown that blow away what what Marshall did. In fact one ESPN story was this was "meh" - and then when on to show their top 5 meltdown of blue blood coaches.
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Re: Shockers in Canada

Postby Cdizzle » August 11th, 2016, 9:15 am

glm38 wrote:To me this just further illustrates that with Marshall you take the bad with the good. On the plus side he's just a great coach and recruiter. One of the best in the country. By all accounts he also seems to be a very fine husband, father, and role model for his players.

On the flip side he's a very emotional and driven individual. It's that very intensity that makes him a great coach but also gets him in trouble. This isn't the first time he's had an outburst like this but it may be the worst one.

If I were a die hard WSU fan I would be embarrassed by this latest behavior but I would still be damned glad to have him as my coach.

I think this pretty much nails it. Solid take, as usual, glm.
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Re: Shockers in Canada

Postby unipanther99 » August 11th, 2016, 9:21 am

Snaggletooth wrote:Lol drama queen. YouTube is full of epic coaching meltdown that blow away what what Marshall did. In fact one ESPN story was this was "meh" - and then when on to show their top 5 meltdown of blue blood coaches.

I've officiated high school ball for over 20 years and help run a local multi-sport officials group. I'm also involved with national officiating organizations. Fewer and fewer people are willing to work as officials, and the ones who do don't stick around as long. Most cite this kind of abuse as the reason why. Officials are on average much older than they were just 10 years ago. 10 years from now, if this trend continues, we won't have enough officials to cover games.

Yes, you have to have a thick skin. I've dealt with situations like this (not quite this bad). But it's not for everybody, and increasingly it's not for very many people at all.
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Re: Shockers in Canada

Postby uniftw » August 11th, 2016, 9:55 am

unipanther99 wrote:
Snaggletooth wrote:Lol drama queen. YouTube is full of epic coaching meltdown that blow away what what Marshall did. In fact one ESPN story was this was "meh" - and then when on to show their top 5 meltdown of blue blood coaches.

I've officiated high school ball for over 20 years and help run a local multi-sport officials group. I'm also involved with national officiating organizations. Fewer and fewer people are willing to work as officials, and the ones who do don't stick around as long. Most cite this kind of abuse as the reason why. Officials are on average much older than they were just 10 years ago. 10 years from now, if this trend continues, we won't have enough officials to cover games.

Yes, you have to have a thick skin. I've dealt with situations like this (not quite this bad). But it's not for everybody, and increasingly it's not for very many people at all.

I started doing football and baseball in the state of Iowa at 19 years old. I decided to stop by 24. The number of times athletic directors had to hold our crew on the field because fans were threatening to "beat the s*** out of you" and were waiting at the fence line or by cars wasn't worth it for me. I was nominated for state playoffs all but my first year as an official, though I never accepted post season games. I was recruited to get into doing NCAA baseball officiating by a guy on the crew I worked with that also did college. I decided against that. I did eject 3 or 4 baseball coaches during my 5 years, granted I was working 4 nights per week and 2 or 3 Saturday tournaments per month so 4 in 5 years isn't too bad given the number of games I worked. That's not to say there weren't dozens of other times I didn't want too, but criteria wasn't met.

I'm now in my late 20s but will never put on an officials uniform on again.We love to bitch about officials, but they aren't paid enough for the abuse they take. We will continue to see the same guys in their 40s or 50s currently running out there until they are 60 something and can't move or see as well anymore. We will abuse them worse than they are now and keep younger generations from getting into it simply because the abuse isn't worth it.
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Re: Shockers in Canada

Postby tribecalledquest » August 11th, 2016, 10:26 am

Cdizzle wrote:
glm38 wrote:To me this just further illustrates that with Marshall you take the bad with the good. On the plus side he's just a great coach and recruiter. One of the best in the country. By all accounts he also seems to be a very fine husband, father, and role model for his players.

On the flip side he's a very emotional and driven individual. It's that very intensity that makes him a great coach but also gets him in trouble. This isn't the first time he's had an outburst like this but it may be the worst one.

If I were a die hard WSU fan I would be embarrassed by this latest behavior but I would still be damned glad to have him as my coach.

I think this pretty much nails it. Solid take, as usual, glm.

Agreed. Its ok to say the many good things about him but also recognize this incident for what it was.
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Re: Shockers in Canada

Postby Stickboy46 » August 11th, 2016, 11:35 am

unipanther99 wrote:If I had been officiating this contest, the game would have been over. I applaud the officials for showing incredible restraint and poise. They are not paid well enough to have to be subjected to this kind of outburst. McGill didn't deserve this either.

This story is still filling my newsfeed and has now been picked up by non-sports national news outlets. It's embarrassing. He's a great coach, he's built something truly amazing at WSU, but this kind of stuff isn't good for the sport.

Wait let me get this straight .. You "applaud the officials" for not doing their job? They failed at one of their primary responsibilities of maintaining control of the game and calling a safe and fair game. They did not do that. They should be suspended also.

Let me be clear .. Marshall took his reaction too far, but he was very warranted in being upset in the dangerous officiating that was happening. His reaction does not excuse the poor job that refs did. I see you posted later that you are an official too. So of course you are going to side with them. There is a certain power trip mentality that most officials have ... that is exactly why people don't like them. The fact that they have ZERO accountability and unlimited power. You are saying that if someone called you out on not doing your job, you would take the ball and go home. They may not deserve to be yelled at with that passion, but the players didn't deserve to be put in danger because the refs wanted to reward one team for rough play. I used the word reward on purpose. Not only were they not calling the foul on the person creating the dangerous play, they often awarded them with free throws from it.

Just about everyone that I've seen (non-shocker fans included) that actually watched the whole game, and not just the tirade clip agreed that Marshall went too far, but had extremely valid reasons to be upset.
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Re: Shockers in Canada

Postby unipanther99 » August 11th, 2016, 2:10 pm

The officials could have called the game tighter. I probably would have. But they should be suspended? From what? Making $150 or so to ref a Canadian college exhibition game? These guys aren't paid like NCAA D1 officials who we can hold to a higher standard.

If you're going to go on trips like this, you have to understand the officiating is probably not going to be what you've come to expect. You can either do like most coaches do, accept that and make the best of it, or request to bring and pay for your own officials.
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Re: Shockers in Canada

Postby Stickboy46 » August 11th, 2016, 2:20 pm

unipanther99 wrote:The officials could have called the game tighter. I probably would have. But they should be suspended? From what? Making $150 or so to ref a Canadian college exhibition game? These guys aren't paid like NCAA D1 officials who we can hold to a higher standard.

If you're going to go on trips like this, you have to understand the officiating is probably not going to be what you've come to expect. You can either do like most coaches do, accept that and make the best of it, or request to bring and pay for your own officials.

Amount of pay should have no bearing on player safety.
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