How I would fix Bracket Busters

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Re: How I would fix Bracket Busters

Postby BirdmanBB » April 2nd, 2012, 10:39 am

Red wrote:
shockem wrote:Drop it altogether and add a CAA or A-10 challenge. That would help scheduling for everyone.

Maybe it was discussed elsewhere but what's the plan with the MVC-MWC challenge? I know it's on for 12-13, but what about after that?

I think it's done after next season. Now that the CAA struck a deal with NBC sports, it would be interesting to see if that might be our next "challenge." Anyone hear anything on this yet? Elgin said he had some things in the mix, but it has been a while since we have heard anything on it. If they are out of the bracketbusters, this wouldn't create any possibilities of playing someone twice in one season and to be honest, would be a good thing for that conference to bring with them to that network. In fact, I believe this with allow many other games to be broadcast regionally through comcast. Doesn't MVC-TV use comcast? Interesting thought.

It would be nice if we started something up this year.
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Re: How I would fix Bracket Busters



Re: How I would fix Bracket Busters

Postby MoValley John » April 2nd, 2012, 11:00 am

Begin immediately tracking the viewership of all Valley games streamed on ESPN3. Collect as much demographic infkrmation possible from those streaming viewers. Quantify realistically the value of that viership. Develop your own streaming platform for the Valley and sell it. Promote the new Valley network at every Valley sporting event, be it basketball, soccer, football, baseball, Shocker bowling or MSU Handball. Concentrate network affiliation with Fox Sports Midwest and every regional Fox Sports network within the Valley footprint. Parlay that into a few Fox Sports national games on their network and assist in any way to build a presence for college basketball on Fox. Take any bone that ESPN is willing to throw, but clearly ESPN doesn't care about the Valley and the current contract isn't working to promote the Valley. Dump BB at the end of this contract and move forward.

As it is, college basketball is ESPN and CBS. Every network would love a piece of the pie, But ESPN and CBS have a stranglehold on it. Outside of those two, Fox controls most regional broadcasts, BCS and midmajor. Fox would love to be able to do national games, but ESPN and CBS hold all of those rights. If the Valley could or would dedicate themselves to assisting Fox enter the national scene, Fox would help the Valley build its brand, nationally. This is way over simplified, but paired with the CAA, MWC or WCC, the Valley is a good enough conference and has a large enough footprint to be a part of Fox if they entered the national broadcast game. If successful, this could lead to possibly snagging a weaker BCS conference, like the PAC, to join in the Fox programming.

This would be a game changer. I don't see this ever happening because no conference wants, or has the guts to give up ESPN. A great idea, however, and if it happened, the Valley would suddenly become big time.
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Re: How I would fix Bracket Busters

Postby DoubleJayAlum » April 2nd, 2012, 1:34 pm

Pretty sure that Fox already has the contract with the PAc-12.
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Re: How I would fix Bracket Busters

Postby Ali » April 3rd, 2012, 12:18 pm

A CAA-MVC challenge would be great. I sure hope we have something lined up if the MVC-MWC deal is ending.
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Re: How I would fix Bracket Busters

Postby rally » April 3rd, 2012, 3:41 pm

Considering the CAA will likely be losing VCU and George Mason in the near future, I would hold signing anything with them.
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Re: How I would fix Bracket Busters

Postby DoubleJayAlum » April 4th, 2012, 8:19 am

rally wrote:Considering the CAA will likely be losing VCU and George Mason in the near future, I would hold signing anything with them.

+1. Old Dominion and Drexel would be the only two remaining that I'd really want to play.

The rumor is that if VCU and GMU bolt, it won't happen until after June 1 as that is the date the money for NCAA tourney credits is distributed to the CAA members. VCU and GMU don't want to do anything that would interfere with that payout.

It is also a bit strange that we still haven't heard anything definitive about Butler. A lot of speculation, rumor and innuendo, but still no official announcement. If the A10 isn't willing to step up and help out Butler financially, Butler may just stay home. Lucky for Butler, the A10 will have $1 million from Temple to play with...
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