This is from 2010.
WSU students each gave $228 of their student fees toward athletics, while UNI students gave $79.60. (*1)
To be fair, a larger amount of general fund money goes to athletics at UNI, $4.6 million in 2010. (*2)
Half of the general fund comes from state allocation, the other half from tuition. So students fund an additional $2.3 million of athletics through their tuition. With an enrollment of 13,200 that year, it breaks down to an additional $174.23 per student.
So each student at UNI was supporting athletics to the tune of $253.84 that year, very comparable to the $228 at WSU (which doesn't account for any general fund support the athletic department might receive --- I couldn't find that data).
(*1) ... hart_N.htm
(*2) ... dies/22219