Redbird Recon wrote:Aargh wrote:Stutz went to suburban small-school religion-based private schools. The rest of team went to (mostly) inner-city public schools. Other than Stutz, the rest of the team was primarily inner-city athletic guys and some JuCo's. Stutz was vocal, well-spoken, and viewed himself as the team leader.
Do you see why I think there may have been some chemistry issues? After he signed Stutz, Marshall hasn't really gone for many (if any) white, suburban, parochial-school players.
A lot of foreplay before finally getting to the word white
Unlike the situation with Stutz, there has been no evidence of players unable to make a pass to Baker or Wessel when those guys are in position and there's a passing lane available to them. There were a couple of guys who were never quite able to pull the trigger on an entry pass to Stutz. There was some overlap with players who couldn't find a passing lane to Stutz, but could find a way to get the ball to Wessel and Baker, so race is not the issue here.
This is only speculation on my part, but it's my opinion that kids who have gone to very small schools where everyone shared their political, moral, and spiritual beliefs are going to need a few years to learn how to deal with diversity. Those kids are likely to have outstanding character and be the type of person you'd love for your daughter to date, but that may not transfer seamlessly onto a basketball court.